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In Russia, many professions will become unclaimed, the State Duma said

MOSCOW, Jan 15 – RIA News. In Russia, many professions will become unclaimed in the future, the committee chairman said. State Duma on labor, social policy and veteran affairs Yaroslav Nilov in conversation with RT.–

So the parliamentarian commented on the statement of the head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin, who had earlier called not to frighten citizens with robots and subsequent massive unemployment. According to Nilov, mass unemployment is not expected, but the labor market will not remain unchanged.

“Tomorrow a million unemployed will not appear due to robots, this is obvious. But many professions will not be in demand. If a person does not want to receive additional education to meet the requirements, this may lead to a lack of interest in him as an employee. But nothing supernatural will happen cannot, I agree with the Minister of Labor and Social Protection, “the deputy noted.

He stressed that from the appearance of robots, millions of citizens will not be left without work overnight. In addition, Nilov assured that a person can always succeed in the labor market if he is engaged in self-education throughout his life.

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