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In Russia, a 6-year-old child driving a car knocked down his mother to death

Photo: kursk-izvestia.ru

A woman is trapped between two cars

The boy took advantage of the fact that his mother left the ignition key in the car. He got behind the wheel, started the car and hit the gas.

In the Kursk region of Russia, a six-year-old boy, while driving a car, ran into his mother. The woman died write local media.

The incident took place on Sunday, May 2, at about 1 pm at the cemetery.

A 28-year-old woman, the boy’s mother, left the key in the ignition in her VAZ-21074 car and got out. The child, while none of the adults was nearby, got behind the wheel, turned on the ignition and pressed the gas pedal.

The car drove back and hit the boy’s mother at speed and drove into another Nissan Murano.

According to witnesses to the incident, the woman was squeezed between two vehicles.

The victim was taken to the district hospital, where she died.

As previously reported, in the United States 5-year-old boy stole a car and went to his sisterliving in another state. He managed to drive through the entire city until he was stopped by a policeman.

We also wrote that in Lviv the police stopped the car with a 14 year old girl driving… In the passenger seat was the child’s father, who explained that “the daughter was no longer interested in going to the playgrounds.”

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