Home » News » In Rennes, opponents of the Bridor project want to “occupy space” – Rennes

In Rennes, opponents of the Bridor project want to “occupy space” – Rennes

An ephemeral stand of the Le Duff group was initially set up this Saturday in the Colombia center. A recruitment operation that even provided for the use of virtual headsets. But faced with the announced demonstration of environmental activists against the Bridor project, the event was finally aborted.

They were finally only a dozen activists, from various environmental movements like Extinction Rebellion, to meet this morning in front of the Colombia center. The opportunity to reaffirm their opposition to the Bridor project during the installation of this “place of exchange” by the Le Duff group.

After learning of the cancellation of the event, the small group finally decided to go in front of a “Brioche Dorée” store, owned by the Le Duff group, to continue their action. On the program, tracts and speeches, to inform passers-by of the consequences of the establishment of this site and to highlight a “farmer and artisanal alternative”.

Several dozen activists met this Saturday in front of the Colombia center in Rennes, to reaffirm their opposition to the establishment of the Bridor project. (The Telegram/Ewen Bazin)

Activists optimistic about the future of the project

Despite their reduced number, the opponents present this Saturday observe with optimism the multiplication of actions to roll back the project. “We feel that victory is near,” says an activist, “a unitary dynamic is underway”. However, many activists believe that the Bridor project is not “anecdotal”.

“For a Bridor stopped, many others will be built,” says Sam, activist at Extinction Rebellion. “We need to develop a common front with associations and collectives, we hope to bring this culture of resistance to life over the long term against this destructive industrial model”.

The project to build the Liffré factory saw the protest movement against it grow. Opponents continue to denounce the impacts on the environment through “the artificialization of 21 hectares of agricultural land”. The activists present this Saturday are already meeting in the coming days for a new punch action.

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