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In Rennes, baskets of organic fruits and vegetables distributed free of charge to pregnant women

It’s an action “prevention and health promotion” that the city of Rennes will experiment: the distribution of baskets of local and organic products to pregnant women. Depending on the family quotient, it will be possible to benefit from it twice a month for three, five or nine months. Places will be limited.

Strasbourg showed the way

Yannick Nadesan, deputy delegate for health, welcomes the example of Strasbourg, “very inspiring pioneer” in this process. The operation highlights public health, and “it is also support for purchasing power, organic and local agriculture”. Without forgetting the desire to pursue the objective of zero synthetic pesticides.

Initially, this test will only concern certain districts of Rennes (Villejean-Beauregard; Maurepas-Bellangerais; Bourg-Levêque La Touche and Moulin du Comte; Saint-Martin; Beaulieu; Jeanne-d’Arc Longchamp). “An experiment which still concerns a sector of 90,000 inhabitants”adds Yannick Nadesan. In the future, it could extend to other neighborhoods and other municipalities in the metropolis.

Mandatory registrations

How to get these baskets? It is necessary to register by telephone (02 23 62 20 68) or by email ([email protected]). You will be asked to provide a pregnancy certificate and a document proving the family quotient.

Two distribution locations for these bio-health baskets were chosen. ESS Cargo first, in the Villejean district (place du rector Henri-Le-Moal) where collection will take place on Wednesdays, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. La Cohue, in the Maurepas district (place du Gros-Chêne), where distribution will be offered on Thursdays, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

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