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In Redfall’s co-op, only one player takes advantage of the story’s progress

However, XP and loot are transferred to your own session in Arkanes FPS.

We got to see a little more of Arkane Studios (Dishonored, Prey) FPS role-playing games Redfall during this year’s Microsoft / Bethesda summer event. But we did not get many details, other than that the teenage feeling is strong in the vampire game. Buffy meets Fortnite, as a wise man said. But IGN got a follow-up interview with Arkande profile Harvey Smith, and from it came some useful food.

The game can be run in single play, but most of the communication so far has been about the co-op mode. Now, however, it is confirmed that only the player who starts the session will be able to assimilate the story progress gained. The other players are only there as assistants, and have to run their own games to get ahead in the action.

“Whoever hosts the session, or whoever initiates the session… their progress is persistent for them. But [for] other people, it’s not. In terms of what missions you’ve unlocked and such, the host, their progression matters.
“if you sign on with a friend and they’re halfway through the game, and you play the second half of the game with them and then you need to go back and you want to play on your own, you’ll be starting at the beginning of the campaign with a character.”

The XP and equipment that your vampire receives, however, will be transferred to your own game. Not so controversial, but good that we get clarity in what is to come.

The game will be released in 2023, for Xbox and PC.

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