Home » today » Business » In recent years, the number of accidents involving motorcyclists has increased rapidly

In recent years, the number of accidents involving motorcyclists has increased rapidly

In total, in the last ten years, motorcyclists were recognized as the cause of road traffic accidents in 2509 cases, while in 2695 cases – as victims.

The average compensation for the damages caused by motorcyclists as a result of a road traffic accident last year was 1,234 euros, and for accidents in which motorcyclists were the victims – 1,823 euros. Over ten years, the average compensation for accidents caused by motorcyclists has increased by 12%, and in cases where a motor vehicle was the victim – by as much as 26%.

“It should be noted that it is a misconception that road traffic accidents involving motorcyclists are characterized by relatively smaller damages. So, for example, the highest compensation paid for an accident involving a motorcyclist is 163,000 euros for an accident that occurred in 2018,” informs the chairman of the LTAB board.

Although the official opening of the motorcycle season this year is scheduled only on April 27, the relatively warm weather contributed to the fact that the first motorcyclists appeared on the roads of Latvia already at the end of March. LTAB invites motorcyclists to purchase OCTA in time to protect themselves and other road users from unnecessary hardships and expenses that may arise as a result of a road traffic accident.

The OCTA system was introduced in Latvia in 1997. The right to carry out OCTA insurance in Latvia is AAS “Balta”, AAS “Baltijas Apdrošināšanas Nams”, AAS “BTA Baltic Insurance Company”, “Compensa Vienna Insurance Group” ADB Latvian branch, “ERGO Insurance” SE Latvian branch, ADB “Gjensidige” Latvian branch , “If P&C Insurance” AS Latvian branch, “Swedbank P&C Insurance” AS Latvian branch and “Balcia Insurance” SE.

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– 2024-03-30 21:48:22

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