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in Paris, the traditional right in danger of disappearing

Published on : 16/06/2022 – 10:56

They are the last two “mohicans” of the Republicans in Paris. Francis Szpiner and Brigitte Kuster, outgoing deputies from the wealthy neighborhoods of the 16th and 17th arrondissements, are the only two candidates from the Les Républicains (LR) party qualified for the second round of legislative elections in the capital. The traditional right had already lost four constituencies in Paris in 2017 and it could be completely wiped off the map this Sunday if the two elected officials do not manage to catch up. Brigitte Kuster is the most in difficulty, outstripped by twelve points by her rival Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, a macronist from the start.

Report in Paris from Lucile Gimberg

« If you don’t want Matignon for Mélenchon, and if you don’t want a blank checkbook for Macron II, the only useful vote in this constituency is Brigitte Kuster “. A declaration signed by the popular president of Hauts-de-France, Xavier Bertrand, supported by the rising star and mayor of Cannes David Lisnard as well as by the “snipeuse” in chief of the opposition to the Council of Paris, Rachida Dati. Three tenors from the right to the rescue of the deputy, Brigitte Kuster. Precision of Rachida Dati: “ Because the municipal police you benefit from today in Paris is thanks to Brigitte Kuster ».

A “rise” in 2017

In 2017, already preceded by a macronist, Brigitte Kuster had managed to turn the tide: “ We had a very nice “remontada” last time and we intend to do it again this time “. So the former mayor of the 17th arrondissement talks about security, the Notre-Dame site and whistles the socialist Anne Hidalgo. But with twelve points behind, this time it looks difficult.

On the opulent boulevard Wilson market, its rival knows it well: “ Hello, I am the candidate who came in first on Sunday “. Business leader, co-founder of the En Marche party in 2017, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, to ensure the useful vote on the right, waves the red cloth named Mélenchon: “ The extreme left which speaks of disarming the police, which speaks of disobedience of the European treaties, we cannot add a French disorder to the ambient global disorder ».

How to stop hemorrhage LR?

And, among the inhabitants who accept his leaflet, several are former LR voters: “ At LR today there is a right-wing, an extreme-right-wing ». « There is not enough agreement between them they say. Will the Republicans be able to stop the bleeding? In five years, LR has already lost 40% of its votes in the capital.

►Also read : Legislative in France: how to govern without an absolute majority?

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