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In Orne, this association helps you to better understand your chronic illness


Editorial Flers

Published on Oct 26, 2024 at 9:11 p.m.

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Chronic diseases affect many peoplebut the latter do not really know them.

This is why associations, like Planeth patients, come to the forefront of patients to help them know their illnessbut also to educate them about a better lifestyle.

Learn more about your chronic illness

“The vocation of the Planeth patients association is to help people suffering from chronic illnesses to better understand their pathology and to better understand how to live with it in the best conditions », explains Annabel Marie, coordinator of the Normandy therapeutic education platform in Orne.

This support allows patients to better to find your way around when the information no longer comes only from the treating doctor, but from the internet or forums.

Discussing in a group affected by the same illness also allows you to feel less aloneto regain motivation to continue treatment and to become familiar with the lifestyle that goes with it.

Videos: currently on Actu

Planeth offers themed workshops which are managed by health professionals trained in therapeutic education : food ; physical exercise or projects.

Typical example: “Some patients who have a physical professionas a gardener or cleaning lady, do not necessarily associate gardening and cleaning with physical activity! »

Annabel Marie has a briefcase educational tools very fun to make learning enjoyable.

Workshops for several people

These workshops of 5 to 6 people allow us to address the fundamental questions specific to each pathology but also the cross-cutting issues : coping with fatigue; health rights; self-esteem or tobacco consumption.

It takes 1 session every 15 days for 2 or 3 months.

35 workshops to choose from and approximately 70 partner professionals are spread across the territory of Orne: in Flers, Argentan, Alençon, Mortagne, Putanges, Sées, Rânes, Chanu, L’Aigle, Sant-Georges-des-Groseillers, La Ferté-Macé and soon Domfront and Bellême…

The attending physician can refer the patient or the approach can be personal.

After an initial interview, the course is entirely covered by the Regional Health Agency, except for sport.

At the end of 2024, Planeth Patient will look at the weight problems at its Flers branch.

Orne territory contact: 09 86 31 17 05. 7 Maisons Sport Santé de Planeth Patient: 09 74 90 50 50.

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