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In one year we managed to position Chignahuapan as a safe municipality, with infrastructure and a pioneer in development: LRN

Lorenzo Rivera Nava, Municipal President of Chignahuapanpresented its First Government Report, within the structures of the completely renovated complex “Forum Chignahuapan”.

Rivera Nava, gave a report on the actions carried out in all areas, during the first year at the helm of the City Council of Chignahuapan.

Throughout his message, Lorenzo Rivera thanked the Governor of the State, Miguel Barbosa Huerta, for his support, as he was an indispensable ally in the development of Chignahuapan, facilitating resources and actions, while committing himself to continue negotiating with the authorities. corresponding to all the benefits that can be performed in the municipality.

Presenting encouraging figures, through a Solemn Session of the Cabildo, the event was dressed with the presence of Local and Federal Deputies, Municipal Presidents and representatives of civil society.

The mayor began by recalling that upon his arrival at the town hall there were no patrols available, so the priority was to equip the security corps, to combat the crime that the municipality had in red.

Chignahuapan is currently cataloged by the State Attorney General as the only magical city in Puebla with a downward criminal incidence, in addition, it highlighted that there has been a 71% decrease in high impact crimes compared to the beginning of the year. previous administration. .

On the other hand, he recalled that the social aid he provided in coordination with the state government contributed to the fact that the social backwardness that plagued Chignahuapan is less today, benefiting thousands of families through food support, l care, the delivery of orthopedic and hearing aids, which hold health and service days, as well as the creation of low-cost act programs and the construction of solid plans in most locations.

Likewise, Lorenzo Rivera pointed out that Chignahuapan is the only municipality in the country to have a financial support program like FOMATI.

A sector of excellence for the first year of government was the investment in public works, which like no other administration, in just one year, has strengthened the road infrastructures in all the Auxiliary Bodies through paving, road coverings, construction of principals, sidewalks and placement of lights, making an investment of 34 million 629 thousand 377 pesos.

On the other hand, the donation of land for the construction of the BUAP AED and the Regional Operational Center of the National Guard, as well as the improvement of the urban image of the typical monumental area, the maintenance of lighting, covering the 1970s. on the entire municipality, construction of classrooms and acquisition of new waste collection units as there were none at the beginning; they are part of actions that have contributed to improving the quality of life of all inhabitants.

In his report, he highlighted that the economic reactivation was possible thanks to tourism strategies, which brought thousands of visitors, and economic spills, which for seasons have had millionaire figures in favor of service providers.

Finally, he announced the imminent inauguration of one of the most emblematic works of his administration; the Cultural and Sports Complex, which will house the most important social and sports infrastructures in the region.

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