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In NY, George Floyd statue unveiled on the occasion of Juneteenth

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George Floyd, the African American assassinated by white cop Derek Chauvin in May 2020, Now he has his own statue in New York in which his brother Terrence Floyd attended the unveiling of the bust on the occasion of the Juneteenth, which was celebrated this Saturday for the first time as a national holiday from the United States.

During the presentation of the work, almost two meters high and created by the artist Chris Carnabuci, Terrence assured the media that he hoped his brother’s name would continue to be remembered. I hope “that you do not forget what happened, because if you forget it will happen again”, He said.

The bust was located in front of the Brooklyn District Public Library and will remain there for about three weeks until its transfer to the Plaza de Union Square in the central district of Manhattan, according to local authorities. Chris Carnabuci assured journalists that also he hopes that when people see the sculpture they will “remember what happened.”

George Floyd was suffocated by Chauvin while in police custody, and his death sparked a wave of protests across the United States against racism and police violence and spurred the movement. Black Lives Matter.

Both in New York and in the rest of the country, held numerous events and marches on the occasion of the Juneteenth, that last Thursday, was declared by the American president, Joe Biden, as a national holiday, which represents a nationwide recognition of the pain that the black community has caused by slavery.

Its origin dates back to June 19, 1865 when a Union general informed thousands of slaves in Texas that they had been freed two years earlier on an order from then-President Abraham Lincoln.


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