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In numerous cities: Again protests against corona rules

Status: December 20, 2021 10:10 p.m.

Opponents of the corona measures demonstrated again in numerous cities. In Rostock alone, around 10,000 people took part in the protests. In some places the police tried to break up unauthorized gatherings.

In numerous cities in Germany, opponents of the corona policy have met again for partly unauthorized demonstrations. In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, more than 17,000 people took part in protests in 20 cities.

According to the police, there were up to 10,000 participants in Rostock alone. The police announced through loudspeaker announcements that this was an unauthorized event. There was scuffle between demonstrators and police. Most of the participants did not wear mouth and nose protection. The posters said, for example, “We are all not interested in the forced vaccination” or “Corona terror. First the muzzle. Then the deprivation of liberty. Now the compulsory vaccination?”

In Schwerin, the demonstration train counted around 2500 participants when it started. Masks were not worn regardless of the urgent recommendation by the authorities and the police, and the minimum distances were seldom observed. On banners and in isolated chants, the demonstrators turned against, among other things, a general vaccination requirement. There were protests in Greifswald, Neubrandenburg, Neustrelitz and Waren an der Müritz, among others.

Protests in several Thuringian cities

In Thuringia, too, more than 10,000 people protested against the corona rules, such as the one MDR reported. As a police spokesman in Erfurt said, the protests were not registered. The people had arranged to meet on social media and just started walking.

With 2000 people, most of the people in Gera took to the streets. According to the information, there were around 1,600 in Altenburg, 800 each in Arnstadt and Gotha, 600 each in Eisenach and Bad Salzungen and around 350 in Erfurt. There were also protests in Ilmenau and Jena, among others.

Unauthorized elevators in Saxony

In Saxony, opponents of the Corona policy tried again in numerous cities to hold off unauthorized elevators. According to the police, they gathered in Dresden, Bautzen, Weißwasser, Kamenz and Freiberg to unauthorized elevators that were declared as alleged walks. In some places, such as in Chemnitz, the response to initial information from the police was significantly lower than in the previous weeks. There was another car parade in the state capital Dresden.

In several cities it was possible to stop the elevators – for example in Grimma, Werdau, Torgau and Hoyerswerda. The personal details of numerous participants were recorded. In Chemnitz an elevator of up to 70 people could be dispersed in small groups by the strong police presence, it said.

Counter protests in some cities

Due to the extremely high number of infections, the Corona regulation in Saxony currently only allows fixed meetings with a maximum of ten participants. Opponents of the corona policy have been trying for weeks to undermine these regulations with supposed walks. The actions are fueled by the right-wing extremist group “Free Saxony”.

In some cities there were also smaller gatherings who wanted to take a stand against these elevators. In Freiberg, for example, several members of the Bundestag organized a rally entitled “Reason instead of fear”. With hundreds of participants, the city has been one of the focal points of the Monday elevators in the past few weeks.

3000 participants in Magdeburg

In Saxony-Anhalt, too, thousands of people took to the streets against the Corona policy. According to the police, around 3,000 people met in Magdeburg for an unregistered demonstration on Domplatz. A police spokeswoman said the distances were maintained and the people behaved peacefully.

According to the police, several hundred participants marched through the city in Halle. In Halberstadt, according to the police, around 1200 people took to the streets against the Corona policy in Germany. The action had not been registered, said the police spokeswoman. According to a police spokeswoman in the east of the country, around 2,400 people took to the streets in Wittenberg, around 950 people in Bitterfeld and 450 people in Köthen. There were also protests in Dessau and Zerbst.

Demos also in Baden-Württemberg

There were also demonstrations in the southwest. Despite the ban on gatherings, around 2,000 people demonstrated peacefully in Ravensburg – according to the police. 500 demonstrators also gathered in Friedrichshafen on Monday evening. In Ulm and also in Mannheim it was after SWR-Information about several hundred people who demonstrated against the Corona policy.

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