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In Noisy-le-Sec, it is the hemorrhage in the ranks of the municipal police

It is a discreet transfer window that often takes place in the event of a change of municipal majority. That of the municipal police. And Noisy-le-Sec paid the price.

Since the election of a rally list of the left carried by Olivier Sarrabeyrouse (PCF) at the head of the city, the town has lost a dozen agents. “They notably left for Aubervilliers, Noisy-le-Grand and Limailles-Brévannes (Val-de-Marne)”, details Laurent Rivoire, the former mayor (UDI) of Noisy-le-Sec.

The one who is now elected opposition filed a wish at the last city council, in November, demanding the return of “a fully staffed municipal police to appease” the city of more than 43,000 inhabitants and “to secure the whole Population “.

From 17 agents before the elections, there are now only the department head and four police officers. “The new majority did nothing to encourage them to stay”, criticizes Laurent Rivoire who believes that they did not feel “supported” by the current municipality.

“We offered them good working conditions: new premises, installed surveillance cameras in the city. They were also armed to ensure their safety. They were also supported politically, which is not the case with the Communist Party ”, judges the elected official, referring to a message published by the local section of the PCF the day after clashes in the district of Béthisy, the May 27, between young people and agents. That evening, when removing his protective vest at the station, a police officer said he had found a bullet in his protective vest.

Replacements being recruited

“In what world do we accept to live if it seems ‘normal’ to send armed men to ask young people to disappear from public space? », Reacted the local, accusing the authorities of having attacked residents who were only celebrating the end of confinement with fireworks.

“There were clumsiness on the part of the Communist Party, but Laurent Rivoire has a good back to put the departure of the agents on the back of the current majority, comments for his part Jean-Paul Lefebvre, elected opposition (DVG) . Agents change jobs during their careers, that’s normal, and Laurent Rivoire’s former teams have done everything to encourage them to leave Noisy. Its director general of services and his chief of staff, who left for Aubervilliers, convinced the municipal police to follow them. And now, Laurent Rivoire is taking advantage of it by saying publicly: See what state the municipal police are in with this new majority. »

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For Séréna Yahmi, municipal councilor responsible for public tranquility, the former city councilor also has his share of responsibility. “He lied when he said during the campaign that the left was going to suppress the municipal police and disarm the police. This did not reassure the agents, necessarily. However, we have said it over and over again: it was never questioned! “

The city also indicates that it has launched recruitments to compensate for departures, even if this may be complicated.

“There are more positions than staff looking for employment,” recalls the elected, who specifies that the municipality will soon create a direction of public tranquility, with the hiring of a specific director. “He will work in conjunction with the head of security in charge of municipal police and ASVP. We want to develop a policy of public tranquility that combines prevention and security. “

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