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In Nîmes, several hundred demonstrators march without masks against health restrictions

The meeting had been fixed for nearly a week: Saturday, 2:30 p.m., at the foot of the Maison Carrée in Nîmes. Relayed on social networks, the message was heard: several hundred people took to the streets to demand an end to the health restrictions linked to Covid-19. In the procession, professionals, yellow vests, sports or cultural associations demanded the end of wearing masks, and the reopening of so-called non-essential places.

The fear of dying prevents you from living – Barbara, protester

Barbara was colorful for the demonstration: flower necklace, sign, she deplores a degradation of her lifestyle. “Restaurants, seeing my kids … I miss all of that. I never wore the mask properly, yet I never got the virus. “ While hospitalizations increase at Carémeau CHU with 32 additional admissions in one week, Barbara comments on these figures. “It’s sad. But for now, it’s mostly the fear of dying that keeps us from living.”

A festival-like event

Music, bubbles, “free hugs” and no mask: on the poster, the event is meant to be benevolent and good-natured. However, some anti-media have joined the procession. “Do you take us for cattle?” a woman emerges as we try to count the number of demonstrators. While we hand her the microphone so that she can support her remarks, the fiftieth-year-old no longer assumes her speech and flees towards the front of the procession. Aside from this incident, the gathering was indeed musical and festive.

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