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in Nice, the bars do everything to enforce the curfew

Posted the 05/22/2021 4:36 PM


Article written by

D.Brignand, F.Cerulli, P.Feretti

France 2

France Televisions

The curfew, at 9 pm, is also a question for the bar owners. How do you enforce the law and ensure that customers leave the premises on time? The teams of the 13h00 newspaper went to investigate in Nice, in the Alpes-Maritimes.

It’s a beautiful evening in the heart of old Nice. The restaurant and pub terraces are full. Almost 300 guests are seated at this establishment, the Van Diemen’s pub. But the boss has one obsession: to respect the curfew and thus avoid an administrative closure. “Attention, it is not the bamboche“, recalls Christophe Souques, the owner of the pub.

At 8:15 p.m., we stop the orders. However, outside, the atmosphere is festive, and not at the start. The waiters and waitresses begin to remind customers to order: they have a quarter of an hour to finish their drinks and leave. An efficient organization, in a few minutes part of the terrace empties, even if some customers would have stayed. “It’s super frustrating! We had a good time and we have to go home“, laments a passer-by. And this evening, it was in the rain.

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