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In New York, the thinnest skyscraper in the world

Located in the heart of Manhattan in New York (United States): the Steinway tower. A 435 meter tall skyscraper, making it the second tallest in the Western Hemisphere. But that’s not what impresses most about the vision of the latest addition to the SHoP architectural firm, whose construction was completed at the end of March. It is rather its very thin width: 18 meters only at its summit.

The Steinway Tower is in fact the thinnest skyscraper in the world, built with a material “of the finest and most adaptable available to architects today”, believes the firm SHoP : terracotta. The architects wanted to work it in blocks which were “modeled, extruded, glazed, then stacked in an involutive pattern, like a gently breaking wave”. It is this work that gives the Steinway Tower its unique design and surprising thinness.


Credit: SHoP Architects

The project was announced as early as 2013, but its completion was delayed for several years due to financial difficulties. Nine years later, the Steinway tower finally sits on Central Park. The developers have just announced that the first residents can start moving into the building.

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Benjamin Richel, president of Richel, develops more sustainable greenhouses

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