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in New York, the French vote in dribs and drabs for the first round

Published on : 05/06/2022 – 06:53

The United States was among the first constituencies to vote for this first round of legislative elections. In New York polling stations, voters were fewer than for the presidential election.

With our correspondent in New York, Loubna Anaki

In the Brooklyn polling station, the legislative don’t seem to attract many people. Voters arrive in dribs and drabs. Pierre is one of the few who made the trip this Saturday afternoon. ” I like to vote, it’s a bit of a ride, I live in the area. I like this act of coming to thank the people who do the work “, he notes.

However, he does not hide being totally disillusioned by these elections. ” Honestly, I voted because you have to vote, but without much interest. Because it’s not those who created the problems who will solve them he says.

« It’s not enough to have a president, you have to have representatives! »

Other voters wanted to express themselves at the polls, because they consider the stakes just as important as for the presidential election. ” It’s not enough to have a president, you have to have representatives! It’s a whole, you have to vote for both “, Considers a voter. ” I think it’s important, as French people living abroad, to be able to have someone who represents us as we wish. said one voter.

21% of New York voters have already voted online. But the overall turnout may not be very high given the low turnout at polling stations, in this city which voted overwhelmingly for Emmanuel Macron the two times he was elected.

►Also read: Legislative 2022: the coveted constituencies of French people abroad whet the appetites

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