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In New York, the composer Roque Rivas in the footsteps of R. Buckminster Fuller

Business to Follow brings you news of the cultural sector in the regions and internationally thanks to our correspondents abroad and those who create cultural life where they are. Every Friday Arnaud Laporte goes to meet one of the inhabitants of La Villa Albertine somewhere in the United States

In line with Villa Medici in Rome, Casa Velázquez in Madrid or Villa Kujoyama in Kyoto, La Villa Albertine is a new residency program that allows French artists to immerse themselves in American culture. Its peculiarity, the residents are not welcomed in one place or in a single city, but in different types of places in the United States.

Today we are with Roque RivasFranco-Chilean music composer. His compositional work has been oriented, in the last fifteen years, towards mixed music and the desire to establish a fusional dialogue between instrumental and electroacoustic writing. He is also interested in science and other arts – particularly plastic arts and architecture – which are strong inspirations in his creative process.

His project:

“In residence at Villa Albertine, I want to explore the possible transformations of sound matter and the treatment of space into music, taking into account the notion of” synergy “in R. Buckminster Fuller, one of the most architects, engineer, entrepreneur and poet, Fuller was an American “self-made man” for whom “the universe is a synergy of synergies”, a set of systems that cannot be predicted by observing their separate parts. It is therefore a holistic thought system for solving problems from spatial structures complex How can this concept of synergy contribute to the way in which sound material and sound systems integrate?

To answer this question, my stay in America will primarily consist of meeting theorists, architects and designers who followed Fuller’s influence. He will then develop, with an American artist / designer or architect, a sound installation that will take up the concept of synergy. The goal is to create a structure and a scenography of sound spatialization, following the three founding principles of Fullerian synergistic design: lightness, adaptability and mobility. “ (Roque Rivas – Villa Albertine)

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