To promote its latest collection of shoes, the sportswear brand Vans did not do things by halves. Indeed, she unveiled life-size replicas of 3 meters long of her model of sneakers, the Sk8-Hi MTE-3, to walk the streets of New York.
In collaboration with the GUT agency, the gigantic sneakers were thus strolled in the crowded Meatpacking district in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Long Island City via the Upper West Side. The goal? Demonstrate the benefits of footwear in inclement weather and bad weather.
During their little journey, the shoes, which were actually customized vans, stopped and called out to passers-by to make them try on the famous shoes and distribute a few pairs to spend the winter serenely. An offbeat and impactful marketing operation from Vans, which did not hesitate to redouble its efforts to attract people’s attention and afford considerable publicity.
And among Vans’ recent initiatives, we invite you to (re)discover its collection of sneakers in homage to the One Piece manga.