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in New York, Donald Trump is targeting immigration

Published on 28/10/2024 10:18

Reading time: 1min – video: 1min

<img class="francetv-player-wrapper__image" alt="At a meeting in New York on Sunday, October 27, the Republican candidate for the election of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, said that he wanted “expulser les criminels”” width=”432″ height=”243″ sizes=”100vw” src=”https://www.francetvinfo.fr/pictures/toUxml6QvM7fOxlt1q5ubGP_iHg/0x0:1611×906/432×243/2024/10/28/trump-new-york-671f566b2b447623315015.jpg” fetchpriority=”high”/>

American presidential election: in New York, Donald Trump focuses on immigration
At a meeting in New York on Sunday, October 27, the Republican candidate for the election of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, said that he wanted to “kick out the criminals”
(France 2)

At a meeting in New York on Sunday, October 27, the Republican candidate for the election of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, said that he wanted to “kick out the criminals”

In New York (United States), Sunday October 27, Donald Trump promises to go further on immigration. “On day one, I will launch the largest deportation program in American history to remove criminals. “explain the republican candidate in the presidential election. His supporters had harassed the crowd that had gathered in the stands before his arrival. “There’s a junk island in the middle of the ocean right now, I think it’s called Puerto Rico”says Tony Hinchcliffe, podcast host and comedian.

The 20,000 spectators who filled Madison Square Garden applauded this program. In this democratic and progressive base, supporters of the Republican candidate are defending him from accusations from the opposing camp. “I have five children and the economy has been bad for the last three years.ensuring a sponsor. Donald Trump is playing on the economic record of the Biden administration, marked by inflation, to discredit Kamala Harris.

Watch the full report in the video above.

2024-10-28 09:18:00
#York #Donald #Trump #targeting #immigration

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