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In New York City Hall favorite Eric Adams, a “probusiness” Democrat


For those who only live on social networks, New York is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the representative of the Bronx and Queens, who landed Monday, September 13 at the Met Gala with a beautiful white dress affirming in red letters “Tax the Rich ”. “AOC”, the muse of the radical left caused a sensation in this ultra-chic meeting where the gratin of fashion, Hollywood stars and New York billionaires rub shoulders. Butme Ocasio-Cortez is not in power in New York: the future boss is almost unknown, the Democratic candidate Eric Adams, who will most certainly be elected mayor of the city in November.

Read the focus: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez waltzes Democrats to the left

And the music this former black Brooklyn policeman was playing that same Monday had nothing to do with the AOC show. New York will no longer be anti-business, the Democratic candidate said at a business conference in Manhattan. It will be a place where we welcome businesses and we will not turn it into the dysfunctional city we have known for so many years. “

A clear opposition against the Democratic left, led by AOC, which had forced Amazon to give up establishing its headquarters in a popular district of Queens in early 2019. And a spade to the mayor of the city Bill de Blasio, very little in court in the circles Manhattan business. “Bill de Blasio is not interested in working with the business community, and it’s a little frustrating ”, Kathryn Wylde, lobbyist for New York bosses, confided in us at the end of 2020.

Relatively empty towers and business districts

The times have changed. With more than 10% unemployed and 470,000 jobs lost since the Covid-19 pandemic, New York must attract business, while the towers and stores in Manhattan’s business districts still remain relatively empty. Mr. Adams’ priority is to bring back the 25,000 to 35,000 New Yorkers, according to estimates, who left during the pandemic under the mild skies of Florida. The state has the advantage of not levying local income tax unlike New York, which levies up to 14.7% in addition to federal tax.

In any case, this is what Mr. Adams said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal : “January 2, 2022 [au lendemain de son entrée en fonction potentielle à la mairie], he said, I take a flight to Florida, and I tell all these New Yorkers who live in Florida : “Bring your butt back to New York.” “ While adding: “I don’t blame them for leaving. New York has become too violent, too bureaucratic, too expensive to do business. “

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