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In New York, an illegal party on a boat with more than 170 people stopped by the police

With more than 157,000 deaths and 4.79 million cases since the start of the epidemic, the United States is the country most affected by the coronavirus in the world. In New York, more than 2,500 people lost their lives, according to data from the Johns-Hopkins University. But that did not prevent revelers from going against emergency measures in an attempt to stem the spread of the virus, relates CNN. The police had to put an end to a party bringing together more than 170 people on the Liberty Belle, a boat used to hosting events of this kind.

Empire Cruises, the company that operates the boat in question (with a capacity of up to 600 people), has however stopped its activities since March 16. She did not respond to CNN’s questions about it. “How a boat can gather a crowd on the bridge and leave. It’s disrespectful, it’s illegal, it’s rude. It violates common decency,” said Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York State , which called on the population to better respect the rules in force. “What if one of the people on this cruise gets sick and dies?” He added.

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In the photos circulating, CNN explains that we see many people on the deck of the boat, but it is not possible to see if they are wearing a mask. The two people in charge of the boat were summoned by justice for having sold alcohol without a license and for having violated several rules of the state of emergency in force, such as having served alcohol to the inside the premises. They have not commented on this information and it is not specified the penalty they incur.

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