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in New York, American supporters fear France (a little)

France-United States. This is, at least for the supporters of the Blues, the dream final basketball tournament to JO de Tokyo. The match will take place at 4:30 am in France and in the evening in the United States, where they should be very well attended. And if Team USA, made up of NBA superstars, is the favorite, the American supporters do not ignite, first because the Blues beat the Americans in the group stage. Europe 1 visited the famous New York playgrounds to interview fans of the orange ball, who are not overconfident.

On a court in a Harlem park, Brandon is practicing shooting behind the 3-point line. He salutes the quality of the French players. “I know a few, like Rudy Gobert. Who else? Fournier is a great player. Gobert a very good defender so it’s going to be a good match, I’m impatient,” slips the young man.

“I’m stressed, but that’s the beauty of the sport”

Sitting in the stands, James expects a close final against the French. “Like a lot of Americans, I don’t think it’s going to be that easy. If we’ve learned anything in recent weeks, it’s that the United States is no longer largely dominant in international basketball,” he admits. But with an armada of NBA players, the Americans remain the best equipped to win gold, thanks in particular to their captain, however believes the New Yorker. “Kevin Durant is the second best on the planet after Lebron James. If he decides to play at his level, no one can stop him,” he warns.

For his part, Pierre was not reassured by the inaugural defeat against the Blues. And he is a bit apprehensive about this final. “The competitions have gotten more difficult over the years. We had to fight during these Games. So I’m stressed out, but I think that’s the beauty of the sport.” The Americans will try to get their fourth Olympic title in a row. While the Blues intend to imitate the Argentines in 2004, victorious in Athens against… the United States.

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