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In New York, a new path is opening up

Drinks, cakes, sweets… and Covid-19 tests! For some time now, this new food has appeared in New York vending machines.

According to the New York Post, it was in January that two distributors from the Wellness 4 Humanity company flowered in a store near the Empire Stadium Building. Sold at a price of 149 dollars – or 125 euros, these saliva tests are available in self-service to all those who could afford them. “I wanted to get something fast and reliable”, rejoiced a user, Lauren Folland, in February in the columns of our colleagues, regretting all the same not to be able ” afford ” everyday.

In concrete terms, how does that work ? Credit card in hand – exit the cash, the future tested can buy a Covid kit consisting of a test, a pre-printed label and instructions. With his equipment in his pocket, Mr. or Mrs. Everyone just has to go home to do their home saliva test before sending it to one of Wellness’s partner companies, via the transport company FedEx. The results, meanwhile, arrive directly by text on the user’s phone within 48 hours.

A small revolution that could participate in better fighting the spread of the epidemic according to research by the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Memorial, reported by the New York Post. According to their researchers, a self-collected saliva sample would indeed be as reliable as when a healthcare professional handles the nasal swab.

And the New York Post clarified: “ Although not approved by the FDA, the test is part of a range of home nasal and saliva collection kits available under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) – meaning the FDA has them. authorizes “when certain regulatory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate criteria, alternatives approved and available.” »

After entering the Big Apple, Wellness 4 Humanity is now planning to conquer Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston or even Dallas. Not sure, however, that his desires for greatness will one day reach France. To find out more, go to here !

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