1 minute, 35 seconds

Mathematical models agree for a hemispheric circulation change during the month of March with the dismantling of the hostile European anticyclone and the movement of its stronghold towards the North Atlantic and Greenland. This situation would be important for the purposes of drought because it could lead to a much more eventful phase in Europe with the return of Atlantic perturbations, especially for those areas that are experiencing a major water crisis such as, for example, the western states.
According to the simulations, the lobe of the polar vortex would descend into the heart of Europe involving with its icy breath the states north of the Alps while an oceanic corridor would point towards southern Europe. There’s a good chance this could happen but uncertainties still remain about how weak the polar vortex is; we hope that the polar front, i.e. the dividing line between different air masses, can be lower in latitude so that precipitation can also decisively reach Italy and in particular the North West. For this we refer you to the next updates.

This change in circulation would be the consequence of the stratwarming phenomenon which we have been following for a few weeks. Stratwarming could in waves affect much of March. It is a known phenomenon, which occurs every year, in which the stratosphere undergoes a significant thermal rise in a few weeks. Not all of these events are capable of bringing consequences to the polar vortex but only the major ones like the current one. Furthermore, the equation stratwarming=waves of frost is not always verified because a lot depends on the period and the type of event. The fact is that these fascinating phenomena can generate variations in circulation by moving the anticyclones towards high latitudes, opening very dynamic periods.
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