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In Lviv, the guy was sentenced for a T-shirt with the symbols of the USSR

In Lviv, a local resident was convicted of wearing a T-shirt with the image of communist symbols. He received a one-year suspended sentence, but was released from serving his sentence with a probationary period.

According to the publication “Court reporter“, such a decision was made by the Galitsky District Court on March 24. It is noted that 22-year-old Vladislav Bolotnikov was detained in September 2020 in the city center in a T-shirt with the inscription” USSR “, which also showed a five-pointed star with a hammer and sickle.

He was found guilty under part 1 of article 436-1 of the Criminal Code – for public use of the symbols of the communist totalitarian regime. He was threatened with imprisonment for up to five years, but the court appointed a suspended sentence, given the commission of a minor crime and the fact that the defendant is a young man and is positively characterized by his place of residence.

Bolotnikov was detained in September 2020

At the trial, he pleaded guilty, said that he repented and assured that he had no intention of committing a crime and “promoting a totalitarian regime.”

During one of the court sessions, protesters gathered outside the walls of the court with placards: “Communism is a crime. Its propaganda is also a crime”, “The law is one for all” and “Propaganda of the USSR is propaganda of the crimes of the Soviet regime.”

Rally under the courthouse

We will remind, on April 9, 2015, the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the law “On the condemnation of the communist and national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and the prohibition of the propaganda of their symbols.”

As reported OBOZREVATEL, Ukrainian historian and journalist Vakhtang Kipiani posted a photo a document listing the names of Russian guards in Lviv during the Soviet occupation of the city.

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