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In Lithuania, seniors will be paid for Covid-19 vaccines next week. How much will pensioners receive for vaccination?

The figures of Kovida infection in the Lithuanian media are no longer the most important news, admits Vida Girininkiene (from left) and Aušra Martišūte, residents of Vilnius.

The figures of Kovida infection in the Lithuanian media are no longer the most important news, admits Vida Girininkiene (from left) and Aušra Martišūte, residents of Vilnius.

Photo: Ilmārs Randers

Ilmārs Randers, “Latvijas Avīze”, JSC “Latvijas Mediji”

In Lithuania, an additional 2,861 people were reported to be infected with the new coronavir on 14 October, but the Covid-19 virus had claimed 28 lives. It informs the news agencies LETA-BNS / LRT about the report of Statistics Lithuania.

1511 Covid-19 patients are currently being treated in neighboring hospitals, of which 156 are in resuscitation. Since the start of the pandemic, a total of 5,349 people have died with a Covid-19 diagnosis.

In Estonia, the proportions are similar in terms of population. 1060 infected, five dead were discovered yesterday.


Dry statistics show trends, but reveal nothing about the way people in neighboring countries now live and feel.

This week I was on a business trip to Vilnius, where I also talked about Lithuanian life in the conditions of the third wave of the virus.

In the eyes of the visitor – even liberally

In Lithuania, with the re-emergence of infections this autumn, the introduction of various restrictions took place several weeks earlier than in our country. Chaos and misunderstanding, for example, about organizing shopping in supermarkets, do not exist in Lithuania at present.

I visit the Vilnius “Acropolis” and “Ozo” center, the rules are clear: interoperable covid certificate – welcome, if not – no entry. Of course, you have to wear masks in stores. However, a basket or shopping cart when entering a particular store is not mandatory – quite logical, because no crowds and crowds of shoppers in the supermarkets.

By the way, a cart or cart is not mandatory in grocery stores, where no one requires covid certificates. For example, in the visited Lithuanian “Lidl”, where people calmly go even after smaller purchases, only a mask was mandatory.

This may also be due to the fact that these shops have vending machines, and many local shoppers come to them with their shopping bags – first handing over PET or glass bottles, receiving discount coupons, and only then going shopping.

In addition to the mask obligation, the state institutions visited had to allow body temperature to be checked.

In private places, such as a small hotel or cafe, the restrictive measures were viewed much more liberally, because there were not many visitors, and in general this attitude is understandable – if you came there during a pandemic, then you have to take care of your own health and actions. full responsibility.

In the eyes of local – protests are happening against everyone and everything

The outwardly peaceful life of Vilnius turns out to be different when talking to the city guides, historian Vidu Girininkiene and linguist Aušra Martišūta. Vida is in her retirement years, but still actively participates in various international projects, so she travels, sees and compares a lot.

News about the variables of covid disease has not been on her list of priority interests for some time, but, of course, she knows the trends of the disease curves. In recent weeks, more than 2,000 infected and up to 30 dead every day. Among the dead – also vaccinated persons.

In order to reduce the doubts of the population to continue the vaccination process, the Lithuanian Seimas has already agreed that seniors over the age of 75 will be paid 100 euros for the first and third pots.

The first is to motivate the suspects, and the third is not to upset the conscientious who have already completed the vaccination course, and they would have an additional incentive to guard against future outbreaks of the virus.

MEPs have had a heated debate about paying 100 euros to all seniors from the age of 65, but a compromise has been reached only on the 75-year threshold. It is expected that the President of Lithuania will promulgate the relevant legislation already next week.

In general, Vidai had no objections to the government’s actions in response to the pandemic measures, she has become vaccinated at the earliest opportunity and has adapted to life during the pandemic. However, it is quite clear that people’s dissatisfaction is growing – the cost of living is clearly visible, it is not covered by the compensation promised by the government.

People have started protesting against everyone and everything: rallies of 20-30 people in Vilnius are almost everyday. At the beginning of September, she herself also took part in a rally organized by the Greens against the felling of trees in Vilnius parks and cemeteries.

By the way, the lowest popularity in the Lithuanian government is not the Minister of Health, but the Minister of Agriculture, who has now increased the state deforestation quota.

We need to adapt to this time

Aušra also said that the news in the Lithuanian media has not been the most relevant for some time now – we have been living in the sign of a pandemic for the second year and we have to adapt to this time. Aušra runs a public institution with more than 100 employees. Although only four people out of all staff have not yet been vaccinated, the institution is working remotely almost entirely throughout the pandemic.


As a vaccinated person does not feel any restrictions in everyday life – he knows that the number of visitors to supermarkets has decreased by about 70%, public transport in Vilnius can be used by everyone, but only passengers with a valid cowboy certificate can travel on intercity buses.

The rapid rise in fuel and electricity prices has not really affected him yet – he drives a small small car, refills it on average once a month, while electricity bills should not change until the end of the year – trusts the supply partner, Estonian Enefit, because the delivery price is fixed in the contract.


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