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In Lille, Martine Aubry proud of her record after a year in office

The political return of the mayor of Lille took place at Bazaar St So on Monday, October 4, alongside many members of his team. While Martine Aubry began her fourth term a little over a year ago, the socialist mayor has continued to praise the results of this year marked by the health crisis.

The figure is launched from the first words of the mayor of Lille: 70% of the objectives already achieved or committed, only one year after the start of this fourth term. And this figure would be reached in all areas that are on the agenda this Monday, October 4: ecology, health, education and culture. A dense program, where the emphasis is on an ecological metamorphosis of a city ​​still too concrete.

Ecology and social go hand in hand in Lille

The “sustainable and peaceful city” desired by Martine Aubry is greener, greener, but also more social. Certain measures allowing access to a healthier lifestyle have become the flags of this vision of the metropolis. This is the case of free public transport for minors or half organic, half vegetarian and sometimes local meals in Lille school canteens. The goal of these operations: to empower the inhabitants of the metropolis from an early age. For the elderly, other initiatives are set up free of charge, such as a thousand composting points located in the city. Emphasis is also placed on green mobility, in particular concerning bicycle access to the city: the ten years of the V’Lille, which the mayor is proud of, is accompanied by the sustainability of coronapists.

Other decisions more distant from the daily life of Lille are taken. Some agreements have been signed, such as the European-wide Green City Accord, or the project to join the “Cities race to zero” movement to reduce the city’s carbon emissions, within the framework of the future COP 26 in Glasgow. At the same time, the mayor welcomed his Lille Low Carbon Pact. A project supposed to guarantee low emissions from the development and construction of Lille housing, and signed by nearly 130 players in the sector.

Sustainable mobility, temporary pedestrianization, revegetation of roads… all in a city where green spaces are still rare. Barely 13 m² of greenery per inhabitant, against 51 m² for the national average. A problem hardly raised in the presentation of the projects to revegetate the Lille landscape. The objective put forward by the town hall? “Build a real intervention strategy adapted to the reality and to the diversity of the Lille area”. In short, adapt green spaces to the neighborhoods in which they fit, with benches for seniors or play areas for children depending on the population. Everything is discussed behind the objective of 90 hectares of “nature created or redeveloped by 2026”.

Behind the outbursts of solidarity

This first year in office was held in the context of a health crisis which “revealed the best and the worst of society” according to the socialist mayor. With the “heartbreak” linked to inequalities in living standards in the metropolis, certain solutions have been found. Faced with the difficulties of this first year, “there are those who are agitated. And then there are those who work ”declares Martine Aubry. The safety of the most vulnerable, women victims of violence, the homeless and even LGBTQIA + people have been able to find refuge. In this regard, one of the future commitments would be that of the “Lille plan in favor of LBTQIA + people”, with the planned meeting of representative associations. The establishment of places to welcome violent men is also planned, in order to prevent the victims from being moved from their place of residence.

The capital of Flanders appeals, especially to a young population. However, almost no measure presented concerns young people during this assessment (the subject will be discussed during the municipal council ensures the mayor). Despite the rent controls, accommodation remains complicated for the young people of Lille, especially when “students from other cities like Roubaix or Tourcoing want to come to Lille”. For good reason, the “Lille on the move” program ensures the renovation of sports spaces and the emphasis placed on culture. The town hall is pleased to have been able to quickly reopen the concert or exhibition spaces. Access to art for all is an issue of this mandate, so that Lille museums are free for all under 30s.

“There are those who are agitated. And then there are those who work ”Martine Aubry during her 2021 start-to-school conference.

If the city attracts so much, it is also for its festive side. Too much perhaps, as the overflows multiply in the Masséna / Solférino sector. A subject that worries, especially residents who can no longer bear this situation. To mitigate these overflows, a Lille Night Council was voted this Thursday, October 8 during the municipal council, which will bring together the various players in the sector. Measures had already been initiated, with many temporary administrative closures or formal notices. The screening of bars claiming to be nightclubs also leads to a stricter classification, and many establishments should be limited in their hours.

Despite Martine Aubry’s reluctance to install CCTV cameras, four new cameras have been installed in the Masséna / Solférino sector. A total of nine have been placed this year in the city, and thirty-eight more will be deployed shortly. Regarding security, the formula of prevention, control and repression remains the mantra in force. Members of the national and municipal police are still expected at the end of the year, faced with still insufficient numbers compared to the wishes of the municipality.

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