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In Les Andelys, the city council discusses projects for 2021

Politics. The budget orientation debate of the city council on Saturday February 20, 2021 made it possible to outline future projects. End of works, projection on the Levant or study of the state of public buildings are on the menu.

The city council held on Saturday February 20, at the Houssay gymnasium, had as its main object the debate on budgetary orientations (DOB) for the year 2021.

Unsurprisingly, the health context weighs heavily. The City proposes to maintain the 2020 property tax rate, whether built or not, underlines the mayor (DVD), Frédéric Duché. Same announcement for the “Pricing of local public services”. Finally, the rent of the cinema will be suspended until it can reopen and “Municipal fitness room subscriptions” postponed.

To prevent Covid-related expenses, two specific envelopes are also set aside: € 15,000 dedicated to the future purchase of masks and sanitary protection; € 30,000 for unforeseen events.

However, “A number of events” is announced – subject to the evolution of the situation – such as the retransmission of the final of the European football cup, the second edition of the Frappadingue or the traditional trail of the Cursed Kings. The City is even planning to innovate with “Summer in the Seine”, “Consisting in the realization of sports and musical activities and the creation of a beach”.

For the “Structuring projects”, the municipal team will complete the first phase of work on the collegiate church, but postpones “Of several years” those conditional due to “Uncertainties about the finances of communities”. Second vast project which has resumed and should be completed in 2021: that of Place Nicolas-Poussin.

Safety for pedestrians

Among the other actions listed: carrying out a pre-operational urban planning study and a planning and programming orientation (OAP) on the Levant district and its surroundings for a little over € 19,000, the second phase digital equipment for schools (€ 60,000), the definition of the route of the soft way to link the Petit to the Grand Andely, security works on the road for a little over € 400,000 or the future police station of the municipal police (€ 170,000).

Finally, “The request for a building study made by an external firm” on all the municipal buildings (from schools to gymnasiums) has been decided, announces the mayor. Goal : “Knowing whether to continue to make massive investments” while a number of problems persist or return despite work (heating failures or infiltration, among others).

This point will make Martine Seguela (PS), leader of the DVG opposition, react: “I regret that today, there are finances and investments so important on the place Nicolas-Poussin while the children are cold”, she calls out, calling for a “Much stronger gesture” for buildings. The advisor goes further: “What I would also like is for the Andelysien to be more at the center of projects. You save a lot of money. And we are at a time when the population needs more services, entertainment, culture. “

“Children are not cold,” replied Frédéric Duchy immediately. But on the downtown site, he assumes and reaffirms ” a choice ” : “If we want people to come and settle in Les Andelys, we need an attractive city center. ”

Nine digitized museum works

Nine paintings from the Nicolas-Poussin Museum will be virtually accessible: a new visibility for the establishment which will be possible through the “Digital Museum”.

This is part of the Micro-follies project, led by the Ministry of Culture and coordinated by the Grande halle de la Villette.

The partnership agreement for the entry of the municipal structure into the device was adopted unanimously by the council on Saturday. The platform will bring together several “Several hundred masterpieces” who will compose “A unique virtual art gallery, combining visual arts, design, architecture, live shows and scientific content”.

“Digital content is increasingly sought after, and the current context of the Covid-19 pandemic shows us how important the presence of cultural establishments on the Internet is in order to maintain a link with the public at all times and in all location “, underlines Gérard Lerate, deputy mayor in charge of the file.

Nine works from Nicolas-Poussin’s collections were therefore proposed to participate in the project. The following were selected for the “classicism-academism” part: Coriolanus begged by his family, oil on canvas by Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665), and Petit Andely, wash signed by Jean-Jacques Lequeu (1786).

In addition, seven paintings from the “Rouen-post-impressionism school” section were selected: The old way, oil on plywood by René Sautin (1881-1968); Portrait of Eugène Clary, oil on hardboard from Sautin (undated); Banks of the Seine, oil on plywood still by Sautin; Banks of the Seine at Les Andelys and the old bridge, oil on canvas by Eugène Clary; Nude study, oil on canvas by Marcel Couchaux (1877-1939); Parakeets, Apple pie Pissarro (1871-1981); et enfin Portrait of Léon Coutil, Andelysian archaeologist and historian, fusain of Apple Pissarro.

Poussin’s “Coriolanus” will be one of the paintings. (File photo: Poussin museum)

Screening and vaccinations

As a preamble to the municipal council, the mayor, Frédéric Duché, made a ” health status update ”. He first recalled the latest figures, which show a “Prevalence of virus circulation” in the north and east of the Eure: “In our territory, the incidence rate is 251.88 per 100,000 inhabitants. “ However, at the departmental level, it stands at 155.16.

In this context, if the Andelys village hall has been hosting an antigen screening center for three months, PCR tests were organized on Thursday and Friday. This operation will be repeated this Wednesday.

Finally, the councilor indicated that the establishment of a second line of vaccination was under study. Friday evening February 19, 620 people had received a first injection in Andelys, and 131 the second dose. “On the perimeter of the over 75s excluding nursing homes, we are around 35% of Andelysiens vaccinated”, said Frédéric Duchy.

Seine by bike and floods

On the occasion of various questions, Frédéric Duchy answered various questions from the opposition, both left and the National Rally, on the project of “Seine by bike”. These followed in particular the recent overflows of the river.

“The notion of flooding has been taken into consideration” in the layout of the cycle path, reassures the councilor. A route which, today, is no longer modifiable. And by its very purpose – along the banks of the Seine – it is logical that the said track is subject to hazards, he recalls. It is therefore planned that access will be prohibited during flood periods.

Note that the end of the section between Les Andelys and Vernon is “Hoped for by 2024”.

L’Impact Covid-19

The impact of the health crisis was also detailed. For additional expenses, there were specific costs (mainly purchase of masks) for around 48,800 €, the acquisition of equipment for teleworking and video (9,600 €) or the payment of a subsidy to the company. ‘Union of traders and craftsmen of Andelys (€ 3,500) for aid to professionals.

Conversely, there were unrealized expenses, such as € 123,000 in grants to associations thanks to an effort made by the structures. In addition, there are all the events which did not take place, but which must be “offset” by unrealized revenues. In total, the balance is ultimately positive for the City, of nearly € 20,000.

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