Home » today » News » In Le Havre, Jean-Yves Metayer-Robbes announces himself as candidate for the presidential election of 2022

In Le Havre, Jean-Yves Metayer-Robbes announces himself as candidate for the presidential election of 2022

Caught short. The politico-media game may well lend national ambitions to Édouard Philippe, back in Porte Océane after three years spent at Matignon, it is another Le Havre, who, now less than two years from the meeting, announces that he is a candidate for the presidency of the Republic. A statement as astounding as it is discreet that it only disseminates through social networks. « This is not serious ? », are we tempted to ask him, necessarily taken aback. « Yes, it’s well considered and I will go to the end », hammers yet Jean-Yves Metayer-Robbes, 57 years old, psychoanalyst and naturopath working by appointment in his office at the residence in France.

Discuss Carl Gustav Jung rather than Sigmund Freud with someone who believes that « France first needs a great psychoanalysis ». Discussions were also discussed at length before he launched into the deep end, if indeed he could reach it by obtaining 500 elected officials’ signatures to validate his candidacy and confront, in spring 2022, the leaders of the discipline. « Let’s be clear, that was not on the program. I go there first because a certain number of people in France and abroad ask me. Passionate about philosophy and political philosophy I have, for ten years, multiplied the writings, the reflections. These same friends believed that it was now time for a new man to present a new political project. » A project oriented towards what Jean-Yves Métayer-Robbes defines as « the new humanism ». Defender of the spirit of “yellow vests”, the candidate claims that « freedoms of thought and expression have been seriously violated in France in recent months. However, to live in a society of freedom and defend individual and collective freedoms, the president of a nation must give himself the means to guarantee citizens the fundamental freedoms which belong to them as human beings (…). obscurantism of ultraliberalism, faced with total economism for which the only philosophy is that of the statistics of financialized and globalized capitalism, the new humanism can save Humanity. It is our alternative political project, rather than an alternation. It’s either us or the system. »

Relay abroad

It will be understood, if the adventure, the less receptive will say the joke, should continue, it is in candidate “Outside the system” that Jean-Yves Metayer-Robbes will present himself. The summer has already been fertile in assumptions can be inspired by the success of the series Baron Noir. Éric Zemmour, Didier Raoult, Jean-Marie Bigard, to name a few. Three stars of the PAF (French audiovisual landscape). What Le Havrais cannot boast about, almost unknown beyond the city’s borders. « However, I have a real international network », he contradicts, stressing that he is at the head of various organizations such as the think tank Ecocit (European Humanist Eco Citizens), International Humanist Generation headquartered in Abidjan, that he holds a American doctorate in psychoanalysis, honorary doctorate in philosophy from Logos University in the USA, or that he is a former ambassador for peace within the Ghandi peace Foundation of Nepal for Europe.

It is in Le Havre that he promises to set up his campaign headquarters. « We have seen it during the municipal elections, for the national media, the road between Paris and Le Havre can easily be done during the day. »

First a violin teacher, this disciple “and friend” of the virtuoso Pierre Amoyal himself a native of Le Havre, now wants to write the score. Close to Francis Lalanne, various right-wing candidate for the cantons of 2011 (4th canton), for the 2017 legislative elections on the 8th constituency of French people living abroad (supported by the independent environmental alliance), then running mate on that of the “yellow vest” Christophe Chalençon at the 2019 Europeans, Jean-Yves Métayer is not a novice of the genre. « Applications just “to see”. But I wanted to try to spread a message. It was neither the time nor the place … »

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