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In Le Havre, an online raffle organized to help research against childhood cancer

No holidays for childhood cancer which sadly takes away nearly 500 children in France every year. Faced with this scourge, the Havraise Ludivine Rouzes and her husband, Charles, have been increasing operations in Le Havre for 5 years in order to collect money intended to help research against childhood cancer, a disease that killed their 3-year-old daughter. years old, Emma, ​​in 2014.

Play, heal, win

After “To their health”, “L’Accroche-cœur” and “Les Papillons Bleus”, the young woman has set up, since August 17, “LH’eureux Chance”, a 100% Le Havre solidarity raffle. “Despite the pandemic, we must not relax our efforts to fight childhood cancer” underlines Ludivine.

Bringing together artists, associations, traders and local artisans who were keen to join the cause of this Mother Courage, the game was put online and allows, thanks to the purchase of tickets worth 5 euros each, to win nearly 70 exceptional gifts. Among the prizes offered, works by Jace, Teuthis, and Masquerade, a parachute jump, a sailing trip, a microlight flight, dance lessons, a treatment at the Vent d’Ouest hotel, a meal at Wise Children, vouchers at several merchants, or passes for the West Park festival. “ The game has the advantage of being able to please everyone, art fans, shopping addicts or even thrill seekers ” relates La Havraise, proud to have mobilized around fifty partners. All of the donations collected will be donated to the Imagine for Margo association, which aims to accelerate research against childhood cancer.

Artists as ambassadors

In one week, nearly 300 tickets have already been sold. A success for the organizer of the raffle who is counting on the popularity of local celebrities, such as Jace or Marygribouille, to sell as many tickets as possible and publicize her fight. “Like these artists, it would be good for the medical world – researchers, laboratories, industrialists – to unite and coordinate its actions in order to advance research” underlines Ludivine who deplores the lack of resources allocated to fight against pediatric cancers.

Le Havre bars mobilized
in September

On all fronts to raise funds, Ludivine will also organize the traditional operation “To their health” which will take place on September 11. On this occasion, the bars and restaurants of Le Havre will donate part of their recipe for the day to Imagine for Margo. “I also hope that Operation LHeureux Chance will be perpetuated” points out Ludivine, who is full of ideas to raise money for research and pay tribute to her daughter Emma.

Practical information

Raffle and online donations possible until September 17th.


Instagram : @lheureux_hasard

Facebook : to their health

Some numbers

Each year in France, 2,500 children and adolescents are struck by cancer and 500 die from it.

1 in 440 children develop cancer before the age of 15.

The number of childhood cancers has increased by 1 to 2% per year in Europe for 30 years. And yet, ?? research is mainly focused on adult cancers. However, malignant tumors detected in children are not of the same nature as those in adults and therefore cannot be treated in the same way.

More than 50% of the drugs administered to young patients are not officially authorized in children (not specifically developed and tested on children).

There are more than 60 types of pediatric cancer (leukemia, low-grade glioma, neuroblastoma, infiltrating brainstem cancer, etc.) so that for each type of cancer, there are few children concerned. The drug market is therefore small and unfortunately does not interest manufacturers. In order to overcome this unbearable situation, many associations, such as Imagine for Margo, are mobilizing to collect donations aimed at financing specific clinical trials to find innovative treatments to treat children with cancer.


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