Children studying in Dzūkija schools have the opportunity to test themselves in the business environment while still sitting at school, and they can present their ideas at the eXpo of young companies in the Dzūkija region held every spring. Such school fairs are being held in the Alytus region for the ninth time. For the first time last year, the school eXpo moved from Alytus to Druskininki. This time the young businessmen were accepted by Lazdia. In the opening speech, the mayor of Lazdijai district, Ausma Miškinienė, called for establishing mutual contacts and sharing mutual experiences.
30 companies, half of them from Alytus, participated in the fair of young companies of the Dzūkija region held this year in Lazdijai. The products created by students were evaluated by a commission.
Two student companies came from a prestigious school in Stockholm (Sweden).
“Our business idea is to offer stylish hats. By selling them, we contribute to research against sclerosis. Caps are a symbol of your support for those who are currently incurable. The second student company makes candles that are placed in broken or old wine bottles. I think it’s a good idea to use old materials and create something new,” said Erik Grahn, a teacher from Stockholm who attended the fair.
The products created by the students range from simple household products such as cakes or scented candles, badges to products requiring programming skills – websites or pet software that allows you to find a lost dog and monitor its heartbeat.

Student companies were evaluated by a commission. The third place went to the students’ company “Degis”, the second place went to “Weather wipe”. Some of the student companies are focused on the development of ecological products. One such is “InGreens” (Alytus Adolfos Ramanauskas-Vanagas Gymnasium), which has created equipment for growing micro greens. This idea is awarded first place and will travel to the National Student Business Ideas Fair.
According to the organizer of the event, Donatas Vasiliauskas, students’ interest in business is growing, and some of them choose the field of business after finishing school. The products created by former eXpo participants have attracted interest at the national level as well. The Kaunas “Žalgiris” app was created by members of the educational companies for students from Alytis. The tenth eXpo of young companies of the Dzūkija region will be held next year in Alytus.
#Lazdija #students #surprised #business #ideas
– 2024-04-22 18:03:28