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In Latvia, 43% of the population have changed their further actions and decisions after receiving negative comments on the Internet

In Latvia, 43% of the respondents admit that the negative comments received on the Internet about their occupation, hobbies, dress style and beliefs have influenced their further actions and decisions, according to a study of the social campaign of the mobile operator “Tele2” #sekosev.

The most negative comments on the Internet influence the decisions and actions made by young people – 54% of young people aged 18 to 25 admit it.

According to the study, 35% of the population has completely stopped doing what they have received negative comments about. In addition, 44% of young people say that negative comments have led them to stop doing what has been inadequately criticized.

The study found that 33% of Latvians surveyed also regret that they have not done anything in their lives due to inadequate criticism or bad comments. Among young people, this proportion is 42%.

Social anthropologist Klāvs Sedlenieks pointed out that in every age – even today, various norms have ruled and continue to prevail, which members of a particular society follow, because without them this society would not be able to function. In addition, people like to monitor these rules and punish others for violating them, and in today’s digital environment, it is much easier to do so.

“That is why in the Internet environment we can observe such sharp action against those things that do not really fit into the prevailing views on the order of things. The question of proportionality of punishment or in this case the validity and adequacy of criticism is relevant. As experience shows, the situation is not being addressed, “he acknowledged.

Sedlenieks added that the institution of gossip has evolutionarily formed in small communities, where people know a lot about each other and therefore the assessment is more objective. Today’s digital environment allows people to criticize and talk to others without actually knowing anything about them.

Raivo Ross, Commercial Director of Tele2, emphasized that one should be very careful with criticism of the Internet, because it can “kill” a young person’s dream without knowing the specific situation and circumstances, or the person himself.

“On social media, we have become careless and inadequately sharp in our treatment of others, which we would never allow in face-to-face conversations, so with this campaign we want to encourage and help young people to follow themselves and their dreams,” he said.

LETA has already reported that in the social campaign #sekosev, which aims to motivate and encourage young people to follow their goals and ideas, despite the negative comments, several opinion leaders who have experienced and are experiencing similar situations will share their experience – Jānis Krīvēns or @Krivenchy , Beāte Bērziņa or @betabeidz, Samanta Tīna, Indra Salceviča and Arstarulsmirus.

In order to find out the attitude of the Latvian population, especially young people, to the comments on the Internet, the mobile operator “Tele2” conducted a survey in cooperation with “BERG Research” in July this year, and 509 respondents participated. The study was conducted during Tele2’s social campaign “#sekosev”, which will last until September and in which the company will encourage young people with positive stories to ignore negative comments on the Internet or use them as a motivation to pursue their goals.

It has already been reported that Tele2 had a turnover of 136.669 million euros last year, which is 4% more than a year earlier, but the company’s profit increased by 2% to 31.519 million euros.

The company was registered in November 1995 and has a share capital of 3.486 million euros. The sole owner of Tele2 is the Swedish Tele2 Sverige Aktiebolag.

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