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In Jonava, he built the first houses for homeless cats

Jonava City Council together with the company “Jonavos paslaugos” built four houses for homeless cats, which were bought by the animal welfare organization “Mylėkime kates” with the money donated by the residents.

Houses for cats have been installed on Sodų, Kosmonauti, Vilniaus and Varnutė streets, the municipality reports.

“We wanted the houses to be dug in, the roof to open, and the nesting cavities to be a little bigger, so that the little friends would not be afraid to settle in it. So, we think that the house was a success, but of course all emotions are expected”, announces the “Mylėkime kates” Public Enterprise on Facebook and presents a report on the collected and spent funds.

The animal guardians managed to collect 1,230 euros – that’s how much the people of Jonavi donated during the two weeks of Animal Welfare.

Jonava district municipality announced two “Animal Welfare” weeks at the end of November last year after a meeting initiated by the deputy mayor Birutė Gailienė with the animal care organizations operating in the area.

“Late autumn, when we first initiated a meeting with the residents of Jonavi who take care of homeless animals, we agreed that we, the municipality, would help publicize the initiative for the creation of such houses and invited residents to donate.

I would like to thank all the people of Jonavi who contributed both money and food for the animals. Thank you to the organization “Mylėkime kates” for taking responsibility and implementing the idea”, says B. Gailienė.

The cat houses built in Jonava will be looked after by the city council.

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