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In Joinville-le-Pont, the closure of emergency accommodation places divides elected officials

This winter this municipality of Val-de-Marne will not shelter people on the street. The 7 emergency accommodation places made available have been closed. The town hall says it is applying a state decision. An incomprehensible decision for some opposition politicians.

In Joinville-le-Pont, each winter between 7 and 9 emergency accommodation places were made available for homeless men.

Located in the Émile-Lecuirot gymnasium, this stopover was open during very cold weather from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. Directed by 115, homeless people had access to a shower and could eat dinner and breakfast.

Cost of this reception: 100,000 euros per year. Until now 60,000 euros were financed by the State via the DRIHL (Regional and Interdepartmental Directorate for Accommodation and Housing) and 40,000 euros by the municipality. But on September 29, the Prefecture announced that it was ceasing to fund these places. Olivier Dosne, the mayor (LR), therefore did not renew the system this winter.

Some opposition politicians regret this decision. They would have liked this reception to be retained, even if it means being entirely financed by the municipality. Tony Renucci, municipal councilor – president of the group “J’agis J’innove pour Joinville-le-Pont” – and administrator of the Municipal Center for Social Action, is one of them: it is the social role of a community. We see the homeless in the streets of Joinville-le-Pont. We know their needs. You should not just look at the number of places. To say that these are only 7 or 9 places is not fair. This represents 850 overnight stays and 204 people welcomed. It’s social support.”

Since then he wants to understand the strategy of the State. I wrote a letter to the regional prefect Marc Guillaume, to understand the reasons for this stoppage of funding. If by the end of the week, I do not get an answer, I will write to Emmanuel Wargon, the minister responsible for housing“ he declares.

However, according to the town hall of Joinville-le-Pont, explanations were provided by the regional prefecture: There was a sufficient number of places in the department and he wanted to group the places in another center”, explain it mayor’s office. If the State in connection with 115 considers that it is more effective for people in need to group places, then it is difficult to go against this decision.

For the municipality, the State services are testing a new solution, and it assures: If next year the State comes back telling us that it was not effective and that we must open places again in the municipality, then we will do it..”

Tony Renucci refutes the argument about the sufficient number of places: I do not believe it. There is never enough!“According to the Val-de-Marne DRIHL, there are 2,231 places dedicated to emergency accommodation in the department.

Contacted the Prefecture of Val-de-Marne explained. “Indeed the strategy for a few years is no longer to do ‘thermometer management’ but to offer places open all year round in permanent reception structures or in hotels.”. And to continue:the gymnasiums are requisitioned in case of emergency, very cold weather or after the evacuation of campsShe says. The prefect’s office insists: “in these times of health crisis, this type of accommodation is even less suitable”.

According to the prefecture, in Île-de-France, 43% of additional places have been created in two years. The Val-de-Marne now has 10,500 places. Among them, 6,000 are in hotels and are intended in particular for the homeless.

In the mayor’s office, we regret that this question has become a political battle. We prefer to look at the projects in progress. A student social residence is to be opened in the first half of 2023. Thirty emergency accommodation places will be reserved there for single women with children. A boarding house must also be delivered. Thirty-eight accommodations will be able to accommodate women in difficulty and people with disabilities. Projects hailed by Tony Renucci but, according to the city councilor, are not aimed at the same public in difficulty.

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