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in January the anti-evasion plan is triggered

From the monitoring of payments to the electronic invoice, from goodbye to 500 euro banknotes to the limitation of cash: in 2022 everything changes.

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Objective, digital transaction also in payments. The government’s mission is clear since the inauguration of Prime Minister Mario Draghi: fight against tax evasion through the implementation of traceable payments, progressive reduction of the use of cash and use of electronic means as an anti-evasion strategy. The revolution will arrive in January, even if in part it has already begun. 2022 therefore presents itself as a year not so much of transition, but of real change.

The limitation to transactions beyond a certain threshold will be the first limitation. No payments over € 1,000 (in cash) in a single solution, but also deferred and divided. This was established by Decree Law 124/2019, which significantly revolutionizes the payment procedure for Italians, lowering, indeed, halving the previously imposed limit of 2 thousand euros. If this threshold is exceeded, or if you need to pay for a higher amount, it will be necessary to use traceable tools such as ATMs, bank transfers or checks.

Payments, everything changes in January: news also on banknotes?

Electronic payments, in the opinion of the government, represent the real transition to the new mentality. The idea is to progressively reduce the use of cash by discouraging its use. In fact, several credit institutions are also progressively reducing their ATMs, so as to limit the use of withdrawals. Another goal, the reduction of the costs of cashless transactions. Prerogative mentioned in the “Report on tax and social security evasion”, published as an attachment to the Public Finance Document (Nadef). A strategy that goes hand in hand with the incentive to use synthetic reliability indices (Isa), capable of summarizing the values ​​of consistency in the professional management of taxpayers.

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Together with other measures already in place, such as the increasingly massive use of electronic invoicing and the transmission of payments electronically, the fight against tax evasion will also benefit from additional instruments to combat fraud. Even in sectors such as online gaming (and beyond). On a practical level, a next move it could concern 500 euro banknotes, considered by various monitoring organizations to be the most prone to falsification. Cash from this denomination can be completely eliminated from circulation, so as to avoid, or at least severely limit, the phenomenon of money laundering. Another social scourge, hand in hand with tax evasion.

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