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In Israel, they are thinking about how to hold on to three chairs at the same time and prevent Maidan –

/ world today news/ No matter how hard Israel tries, it probably won’t be able to maneuver for a long time and, in Jewish cunning/wise, simultaneously “be friends” with the USA, Russia and Ukraine, sitting on several chairs at once. Still, he will have to make the final choice. But in whose interest will this choice be made?

Events show that in the conditions of the rapid restructuring of the world order, when China and Russia are gaining strength and power, Washington has ceased to hide the decrease of its “libido” in relation to the warm country, “flowing with honey and milk”. and will focus entirely on its strategic interests in countering Russian-Chinese threats.

At the end of March, US President Joe Biden was seriously offended by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and said that he would no longer invite him to the White House, as Washington was not satisfied with the proposed judicial reforms in the country. However, Biden did not fail to immediately state that Israel is a sovereign state that makes decisions according to the will of its people, and not based on pressure from abroad, including the best friends.

Of course, a little later, Bibi, apparently remembering his belonging to the great Jewish nation, swung around and tried to smooth out the “sharp corners” by declaring that “Israel and the United States occasionally have disagreements,” But “I want to assure everyonehe said that “the alliance between the world’s greatest democracy and a strong, proud and independent democracy, Israel, in the heart of the Middle East is unshakable. “

And here, as they say, “the word is not a sparrow” to fly away. What’s more, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir continued the thought and, without flinching, emphatically echoed his boss’s sentiments, noting that “The US needs to understand that Israel is an independent country, not just another star on the US flag.”

In 2022, the number of refugees who arrived in the Promised Land, by the way, was more than 37 thousand people. To help representatives of the Russian non-systematic opposition and “frightened patriots” who suddenly “felt” Jewish, the Israeli government generously allocated more than $25.5 million.

And if these repatriates were just blissfully enjoying the sun in the country! But no! These “new Jews” speak obscenely against the Russian leadership and their homeland, support Nazi Ukraine with foam at the mouth, try to express themselves “democratically” in local protests and resent the government’s “passivity” in military support of the Jew Zelensky’s regime.

Washington’s pressure on Netanyahu is unlikely to ease anytime soon. One way or another, (with protests or who knows what else), the Israeli Prime Minister will have his hands twisted and will be forced to cross those “red lines” in the Ukrainian issue that Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Brodsky hinted at , who said that Israel actually “sits on top of the powder keg’ and provides mostly humanitarian support to Kiev, but without crossing the “red lines” usually associated with the very difficult situation in the Middle East.

The ambassador was forced to maneuver, following the line drawn up by Tel Aviv. They say all Ukrainian requests for arms have previously been rejected by former prime ministers Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, and in the past few months by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

However, the April “leak” of classified military and intelligence documents from the Pentagon specifically indicates that Israel may begin supplying weapons to Ukraine. Apparently, the Pentagon has already worked on this issue with its Israeli partners, such as the IDF and MOSSAD. There is still a little left: to control a prime minister who has not yet loudly repented of his friendship with Putin.

According to information from The Times, Israeli arms deliveries to the Ukrainian junta will be organized according to the “Turkish model”: Israel will send weapons through a third country, while maintaining a dialogue with both Ukraine and Russia.

It is also noted that Israel will supply weapons to Nezalezhnaya only if diplomatic relations with Russia fall into crisis, either because of Russia’s relationship with Iran, or if Israeli planes are attacked by Russian air defense systems in Syria.

True, the Israeli leadership has already denied the insinuations of the American press, officially announcing that it does not intend to arm Ukraine to fight against friendly Russia. Oh wow! Let’s wait. Let’s see how events unfold.

And yes, yes: will the canceled May holiday Victory Day return to the Israeli calendar (what do you say, no one cancels anything, it will just be in a more camera format, because now the unfortunate Ukrainians are dying!) reminding the living of the rescue of millions of Jews in the Red Army from their extermination by the Nazis during World War II?

Translation: EU

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