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IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. Torrential rains result in flooding in the streets of London

Thunderstorm torrential rains over the south-easternEngland led Sunday at the end of the day floods even in the streets of London, where transport has been disrupted. London firefighters said on Twitter that they had received around 300 calls reporting flooding in the southwest of the capital.

Flooded streets

Rescue services are faced with “Major floods” across the British capital, Mayor Sadiq Khan tweeted in the evening. Buses, subways and trains are affected, he added, urging Londoners to check their route and avoid crossing the flooded areas on foot or by car.

The flood blocked several red double-decker buses in the middle of the street, one of the drivers of which told AFP that the water had reached the floor of his vehicle. “It’s wet everywhere! “, reported the man who only introduced himself by first name, Eric.


The floods blocked several vehicles and buses in the middle of the street. © JUSTIN TALLIS / AFP

In the south of the British capital, near Queenstown Road station, police blocked traffic on a road that had become impassable as the roadway was flooded, particularly under railway bridges.

A subway station under water

Pudding Mill Lane tube station, located in Stratford, found itself under water as shown in this video relayed by the Twitter account of Larry, the cat of 10 Downing Street.

The British meteorological service Met Office had raised an orange alert for thunderstorms in London and its surroundings until 7 p.m. local (6 p.m. GMT), but thunderstorms and torrential rains are expected until Monday in the south of the country.

Some areas may even see 100 mm of rain fall in a few hours on Sunday evening.


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