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In Honolulu, the language stay of a Montalbanese student turns into a nightmare

the essential
Leaving on the other side of the world, in the paradisiacal archipelago of Hawaii, to improve her English with a renowned program for which she has spent 18,000 euros, Léa has had a series of setbacks, almost ending up on the street. The Montalbanese student keeps morale despite everything.

“Whether you stay with a host family or in the EF residence, you will feel at home,” promises the Education First (EF) brochure. A sentence that makes Léa Catay, a 22-year-old Tarn-et-Garonnaise cringe. Last September, this student went on a language study trip through this reputable organization. Its destination? Honolulu, the Hawaiian capital. A trip and a 9-month training course, between his license and his master’s degree, to deepen his English and discover a new culture, all in a heavenly setting.

Unsanitary conditions

The young girl paid € 18,000. She chose EF for her image, and to reassure her parents. The contract includes accommodation with a host family, 45 minutes maximum from their school, as well as half-board during the week, and full at the weekend.

Paying 18,000 euros to find yourself sleeping on a mattress is not really the accommodation Lea Catay expected.
Photo private collection – Lea Catay

But when she arrives in the accommodation after a long trip, she discovers a dirty house where she has to share her bed. The next day, his host gives him a mattress on the floor. She describes unsanitary accommodation, with a “disgusting” bathroom, which she shares with four other tenants … and cockroaches.
On the meal side, the young girl finds herself with a piece of stale bread, a box of instant noodles, and a knife as the only place setting. When she complains to EF, she is told that she does not have to eat 3 meals a day, and that it is not in the local culture to cook often. Another problem is that accommodation is a 2 and a half hour drive from the school by bus during rush hour. After 3 weeks, she finally manages to change family, and finds better conditions, while having to continue to finance her meals.
She is not the only one concerned. Among the other students, some say they sleep in cellars, and one, to have been the victim of sexual assault by his host.

“I was going to find myself homeless”

The height was reached at the end of December, when Léa Catay learned that her host could not receive them in January. He notified the school in August, and yet nothing was organized to take charge of her. She asks to be accommodated at the hotel during the month, as is the case with other students, but her request is refused. He was finally offered the university residence not far from the campus.

On the meal side, the young girl finds herself with a piece of stale bread, a box of instant noodles, and a knife as the only place setting.

On the meal side, the young girl finds herself with a piece of stale bread, a box of instant noodles, and a knife as the only place setting.
Photo private collection – Lea Catay

The days go by and the student has no confirmation. She went to the residence on the 31st to find out if it was ready to welcome her. We refuse to give him information on the grounds of confidentiality. She then obtains an EF emergency number. “I was going to find myself homeless, and on the phone I am told that it is not an emergency, to wait for an email”, she enraged. On D-day, no EF contact. Her host finally welcomes her an extra night so that she is not homeless. Throughout the trip, her family sent six registered letters, numerous emails and calls, with no response. We tried to reach the company for explanations, without success. Lea has since been staying at the hotel and has contacted a lawyer.

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