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In Hérault as elsewhere: hands off democratic freedoms!

For the third time in a few weeks, the prefect of Hérault announced a ban on the demonstration on Saturday October 12 for the ceasefire in Palestine and Lebanon, the end to the massacre of populations, the end arms deliveries to Israel. On September 2, the FNEC FP-FO had already condemned the decision to ban demonstrations in favor of the Palestinian people planned in Montpellier and Béziers.

Added to these unjustified bans is a real campaign of administrative and judicial harassment against activists and organizations: trials and fines for activists of the BDS France campaign, summons to the police station of the departmental secretary of the Free Thought 34, the prefect having filed a complaint against him based on particularly fragile legal foundations…

This repression aims to silence all voices raised against the massacres perpetrated by the State of Israel in the Middle East.

Furthermore, the FNEC FP-FO notes that the Minister of National Education has still not responded to our letter of October 1 alerting that a day on the theme of “values ​​of the Republic” had been organized at the start of the school year at the Champollion high school in Lattes (Hérault), in the presence of the Rector of the academy, the Prefect of Hérault and the local president of the CRIF. We asked him to intervene so that associations which carry political messages remain outside educational establishments. The CRIF campaigns in particular against demonstrations in favor of Palestine, in Hérault and elsewhere. In the Lyon academy for example, the CRIF addressed the Rector to question a call from our federation to demonstrate, alongside several trade union and youth organizations, for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and in Lebanon.

Attempts at intimidation, threats, repression will not silence us!

The FNEC FP-FO condemns these systematic challenges to the right to demonstrate and demand a ceasefire to stop the genocide in Palestine! It provides its full support to the organizations facing this coup against democratic freedoms.

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