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in Greece, the unvaccinated face new restrictions

“We are facing a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Greece mourns unnecessary losses because it simply does not have the vaccination rates of other countries in the European Union [UE] », estimated Thursday evening November 18 the Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, during a televised address. With 63% of its population of 10.7 million vaccinated, Greece is doing worse than the rest of the EU, where the vaccination rate is on average 66%.

Since the end of October, the country has been facing a fourth wave more ferocious than the previous ones: the number of contaminations continues to increase, from 3,600 on October 29 to 7,805 on Friday November 19, and around fifty deaths are counted daily, according to the National Public Health Organization (EODY). Hospitals are starting to be overwhelmed again, especially in the region of Thessaloniki (north), where opponents of vaccination are more numerous, which has forced the Greek government to requisition doctors from the private sector to stem this new wave. “The number of intensive care beds has doubled and 12,000 caregivers are currently mobilized”, tried to reassure the Minister of Health, Thanos Plevris.

An alarming situation

Since November 6, unvaccinated people must present negative PCR or antigen tests to go to administrations, stores, banks or to sit on the terraces of cafes and restaurants. In the event of an infringement, the penalty is 5,000 euros for owners of establishments and 500 euros for customers.

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But in the face of the alarming situation, the Conservative government has taken more restrictive measures for the unvaccinated. The aim is to avoid a “Confinement of the whole society” all in “Preserving the national health system”, assures Mr. Plevris. The Prime Minister, meanwhile, said he did not want “Follow the model of Austria”, which opted for a general reconfinement. From Monday 22 November, non-vaccinated Greeks will therefore no longer be able to enter closed spaces (theaters, museums, gyms, etc.) but they will be able to continue to go to restaurants and cafes by presenting PCR or antigen tests. negative and in all essential shops without tests (pharmacies, supermarkets).

Avoid total containment

“This is an imminent action for the protection” of the population, said Mr. Mitsotakis, specifying that “Nine out of ten people Currently intubated in hospitals across the country were not vaccinated. The Prime Minister also resolved to impose the presentation of a negative test to enter churches. In recent months, television images of worshipers kissing Orthodox icons without protective masks and disregarding physical distancing have drawn sharp criticism from the opposition.

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