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In Goderville, near Le Havre, the Malo farm has been cultivating potatoes for 50 years

Annabelle, Charlotte, Victoria, Suria … They are neither charming young ladies, nor mysterious code names. Just a few of the many varieties of potatoes grown at Jean-Marc Malo farm. This is his son, Frédéric malo, 42 years old, representing the 5th generation of the family on the lands of Goderville, who now runs the business.

For 50 years, the potato has been writing the history of the farm. ” When my uncle moved to the farm, my grandparents “gave” him the cattle. My grandfather then turned to the potato. The country of Caux, around Le Havre, is fortunate to have beautiful, rich lands and a climate favorable to almost all cultures ”.

Between firm-fleshed potatoes, so-called “consumption” potatoes (intended to be transformed like in a soup or a shepherd’s pie) and the new varieties he is testing, Frédéric Malo announces that he is cultivating around fifteen! ” ça allows us to meet the demand ».

Tests every year

Frédéric Malo sells his production mainly to restaurateurs, communities, company restaurants and supermarkets. A small direct sale is provided on the farm. ” We thus keep direct contact with people “. It is to preserve this contact that the Malo farm has its own fleet of trucks to deliver to its customers, ensuring immediate feedback. ” We then know if a variety is aging badly or if another is better than the others. This feedback also makes it possible to adjust new experiments. ”

The Malo farm works closely with the Nord Plants Committee of Bretteville-du-Grand-Caux, a research station that is constantly developing new varieties of potatoes more suited to new environmental standards and new consumption habits. ” We try one or two new varieties a year. As Christmas approaches, we order our new plant that we will receive in March. It is planted from April to May, harvested from July to October for sale from July to July of the following year. If the plant is not satisfactory, if we want to do better, we cannot do it before the following year, it is impossible to accelerate this cycle. This is also the reason why we work with so many varieties : some are optimal at the start of the season while others will give their best in the fall. “

Frédéric Malo is very attached to this local anchoring, both from the point of view of the supply of plants and of his customers.

A radius of 80 km around the farm

« 99 % of our sales are made within a radius of 80 km around the farm. Our potatoes are grown here, the fields are 15 maximum km from the farm. It is very important to keep this connection with people. The potato is made to be eaten. If consumers are happy, they will come back to it because it is good and they will have confidence in our working methods. » It is precisely to invite the public to discover all the work that leads the potato to the consumer’s plate that Frédéric Malo is offering an open house this Saturday, August 22. ” Because more than half of the work is done after harvest ! »Between sorting, crating, storage in a cold room, packaging, processing into fresh fries, delivery, there is an enormous amount of labor after harvest! ” Many people do not know our job and only see what is happening in the fields. However, our profession has technically evolved considerably. Why not talk about pesticides too, it’s part of our world. I want above all to start the speech, to initiate the discussion ”.

In addition to the fillet of potatoes, the Malo farm also offers fresh fries: cut and vacuum packed, without any preservative, they are intended for restaurateurs who benefit from the convenience of a ready-to-cook product and the quality of home fries.

What we have learned is that the potato is a living product, sensitive to its environment. Noble. The younger generations are right to remind us of this.


Jean-Marc Malo farm. 100 Ferme Montier, Goderville. Phone. 02 35 29 15 98.

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