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In Gay Pride march they adorned themselves with arcoris masks

Fifty years after the first Gay Pride march in New York, the LGBT community essentially gathered online Saturday for a digital marathon due to the covid-19 pandemic, however in other regions there were some small demonstrations to celebrate the anniversary, but most of the initiatives took place under the label Global Pride, a virtual 24-hour event, says the AFP report.

The London Pride, one of the main dates of the Gay Pride calendar, was left this year without a parade. Her motto was “Postponed, but always together.” Still, a group of about 15 people, including Peter Tatchell, a veteran of the movement, decked out in rainbow colors, gathered in the British capital to celebrate the creation 50 years ago of the London Gay Liberation Front. From london).

“We want to turn this demonstration again into an event for the human rights of the LGTB community,” insisted the 68-year-old activist. Lately the Pride parades have been transformed into business opportunities for gay companies.

In Berlin, where the thermometer hovered around 30 degrees, police estimate that some 3,500 people paraded through the streets. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas tweeted his support for lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual people around the world: “Be proud of you! It doesn’t matter who you love, it doesn’t matter where you live ».

In Vienna, about 200 cars and motorcycles adorned with rainbow flags or inflatable unicorns paraded down the famous Ring Avenue. According to the organizers, some 5,000 spectators greeted the procession, much less than the annual march that usually brings together hundreds of thousands of people.

Online, the Global Pride rally, whose motto was “Exist, persist, resist” (exists, persists, resists), started at 5:00 GMT in London.

In the United States, former President Barack Obama broadcast a video message honoring patrons of the New York bar Stonewall Inn who rebelled in 1969 against the umpteenth police raid. It was the beginning of the contemporary movement for gay rights.

“Thanks to the movement they launched and the dozens of years of work that followed, same-sex marriage was legalized in the country (United States) five years ago, and this month the Supreme Court ruled that an employer cannot discriminate against LGTBQ workers », an acronym that includes queer people (who do not feel represented by the rest of the groups), he said.

Democratic candidate for the November presidential election, Joe Biden, also referred to the Supreme Court, calling the celebration “particularly moving this year.”

– “Digital March” –

In Mexico, gay activists demanded justice for hate crimes during a digital marathon that replaced their annual Gay Pride march.

“We are thinking today particularly of those lesbian, gay, transvestite, transsexual, transgender and intersex people who were murdered for their gender identity or expression orientation,” the organizers said at the start of the event.

The organizers of the “digital march” invited supporters to record themselves walking, singing or dancing in their homes and spread the images on Instagram or TikTok under the hashtag #ElOrgulloPermanece.

A man who walks smiling from one end of his house to the other with a cassock and a cross painted in the colors of the rainbow is among the thousands of videos, photographs and messages broadcast.

In Argentina, public buildings and monuments lit up with the colors of the rainbow, and activists have called a week of events online, although Gay Pride is usually held in November in the country.

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