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In full confinement, he goes freeride skiing … in the middle of his living room

During his confinement in Spain, the skier Philipp Klein Herrero climbed then descended a mountain … of sheets! – YouTube screenshot

The video has been seen almost 200,000 times
on Youtube in just one day! Confined like the rest of the Spanish, the Barcelonan Philipp Klein Herrero filmed himself climbing and then descending
a mountain ski sheets in his living room in a video that has been around the web since Saturday.

“I had a spark of creativity,” said this amateur skier and videographer, who was forced to give up a trip freeride skiing in France to comply with the confinement instructions due to the epidemic of new coronavirus, but which has caught up with a video project entitled “Freeride at home”, seen several hundred thousand times
on social media.

“I saved all year for a freeride trip in France”

” The day when spain decreed the confinement of the whole country, I had a bus ticket to go to La Grave, in France, for a week skiing with my family. It was the freeride trip for which I had saved all year, everything was planned, “says Philipp Klein Herrero, mechanical engineer at Seat.

“I could have gotten on this bus, but when I saw that the situation was getting crazier minute by minute, I decided that it was a little immoral to go skiing while people were dying in Spain … even if France had not yet decreed containment. So I decided to stay at home, and too bad for tickets and reservations “, explains this enthusiast
of Mountain and photography, born in Germany and arrived in Spain at the age of eight.

“I spent a day with my brain on fire, drawing everything on a storyboard”

On the 57 second video, carried out in stop-motion, we see the author of the project waking up in a sleeping bag in his living room, then climb a mountain of white sheets with an ice ax, before descending it by chaining the figures on skis… all filmed from the ceiling.

“I’ve seen a lot of funny videos of people doing sports outdoors at home. So I wanted to do the same, but my idea was not clear. Then all of a sudden, I had a spark of creativity: I spent a day with my brain on fire, thinking about this project, drawing everything on a storyboard. But I didn’t know if it was technically feasible with the limited means I had at home, “said Philippe Klein Herrero. “On Thursday morning, I saw that there was a good light outside, so I got started. I moved all the furniture, mounted all the lights, hung
the camera on the ceiling, and in six hours, everything was in the box. ”

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