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In Front Of Thousands Of His Citizens, Putin Promises Russia Will Win In Ukraine

MOSCOW, KOMPAS.com – Russian President Vladimir Putin justify the invasion of Ukraine when speaking in front of thousands of people who attended a “rally” at the Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow on Friday (18/3/2022).

The event was reportedly a celebration concert 8 years after Russian troops captured the southern Ukraine region in Crimea.

Speaking on stage decorated with slogans such as “For a world without Nazism” and “For our president”, Putin promised tens of thousands of people who waved Russian flags and chanted “Russia, Russia, Russia”, that all Kremlin goals would be achieved.

Also read: Speaking to Macron, Putin Accuses Ukraine of War Crimes

“We know what we need to do, how to do it and how much it will cost. And, we will absolutely achieve all our plans,” said Putin, 69, quoted from Reuters.

Many of the Russian slogans used at the rally reportedly included the “Z” symbol used by Russian forces as a motif in Ukraine. One of them reads “Za Putina” (for Putin).

Dressed in a turtleneck and coat, Putin said soldiers fighting in what Russia called “special military operations” in Ukraine had demonstrated Russia’s unity.

“Shoulder to shoulder, they help each other, support each other and when needed they protect each other from bullets with their bodies like brothers. We haven’t had such a unit for a long time, Putin said.

Also read: Russo-Ukrainian talks stall, Putin: Kyiv is holding back

The broadcast of Putin’s speech is cut off

As Putin spoke, state television was caught briefly cutting his speech mid-sentence and showing recordings of earlier patriotic songs.

Putin later reappeared on state television.

Reported from the News Agency RIA, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said a technical glitch in the serber was the reason state television suddenly cut off the broadcast of Putin’s speech.

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