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in front of Russia, the United States in reconquest operation – Jeune Afrique

This is a tweet that did not fail to surprise. Published on 21 October by Victoria Nuland, the US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, he shows all the smiles of her, confronting the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Abdoulaye Maïga. A surprising relaxation as relationships between their two countries are, to say the least, tense. But symbolic of Washington’s attempted diplomatic offensive in the Sahel, as Russia continues to increase its influence in the region.

Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Mauritania: Victoria Nuland made a four-day trip to West Africa to try to strengthen ties with the authorities of these countries, in a region that has been rocked by coups in the past two years.

“We discussed in particular the American strategy in the Sahel,” said the undersecretary of state, who a he said he wanted to “bring more coherence to efforts [américains] in order to improve security and governance in the countries that have suffered coups “and to support them in returning to a democratic regime.


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“We wanted to make sure we do everything in our power to help the people of the Sahel and to strengthen their confidence in their governments’ ability to address the challenges they face, be it security, food and development, education, etc. . . she said.

To worry about the flu Russian

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