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“In Fratelli d’Italia there is no room for anti-Semitism and racism”

Fidanza announces the self-suspension: “But from Fanpage editing to art” – “After seeing the service packaged by Fanpage and broadcast by Piazzapulita, I want to reiterate to my friends, my constituents and those of my entire party that I have never received irregular funding” and that “there is and is not there has never been any extremist, racist or anti-Semitic attitude in me “. This was stated in a note by the head of the delegation of the Brothers of Italy to the European Parliament, Carlo Fidanza, in which he also announces the self-suspension: “I consider it appropriate to self-suspend myself from every role and party activity in order to preserve the Brothers of Italy from instrumental attacks”.

Fidanza: “I also said no to illegal financing but it was cut” – In the parts of the report “which unfortunately were not broadcast, on several occasions I reiterated to the ‘infiltrated journalist’ who claimed to want to contribute to the electoral campaign of a candidate the need to do so in the manner prescribed by current legislation. these further talks have not been transmitted says a lot about the seriousness of this investigation and helps to give a totally distorted image of me and my political activity “. To protect my reputation, I reserve the right to appeal to civil and criminal justice “, continues Carlo Fidanza.

Melons: Pregnancy? Curious this video released 2 days after the vote – “The Fanpage investigation? Give me the footage of these three years, I officially ask. I am rigid but I do not judge my executives on the basis of a video. I have no problem answering, but don’t ask me to rate an executive on the basis of a video edited and curiously aired two days after the vote “. This is the response of the president of Fdi Giorgia Meloni about the Fanpage video on alleged black loans to her party and fascist greetings from MEP Carlo Fidanza. “Ready to make a decision if there are real responsibilities, but I ask you for the whole hundred hour film. I have always been clear with the executives about honesty and relationships with certain circles,” she added, announcing that she will see Fidanza for sure.

The leader’s letter – And here is the letter from Meloni to the director of Fanpage. “Dear Director, following the videos broadcast on Thursday evening during the ‘Piazzapulita’ broadcast on La7 conducted by Corrado Formigli, and which raise particular concern, I ask you to have a copy of the entire recordings relating to the episodes represented, so as to be able to evaluate fully the facts without the intermediation of a service which – by its nature – is necessarily partial and the result of a synthesis “. And again: “I am sure that you will understand that, in order to fully assess the facts and the behavior of our managers, and thus take any measures commensurate with the objective responsibilities, we need all the uncut material in your possession. In fact, you declared that the film aired is only the “first episode”, compared to “100 hours of film” made in three years. I hope that, due to the great importance of the issue, just because it broke out close to an important electoral round and 48 hours from the silence required by law, Fanpage will want to follow up on the request as soon as possible “.

The Fanpage investigation: the black lobby of the Milan Fdi election campaign – “Laundry” systems to clean up black loans, encounters with explicit racist, fascist and sexist jokes: this is the cross-section that emerges from the Fanpage investigation, with the insider system, an undercover journalist, between members of Fdi in Milan. The journalist, three years ago, pretended to be a businessman who was interested in financing an Italian political group in order to obtain advantages for his business and began dating a group of far-right personalities in Milan. The head, according to the investigation, is Roberto Jonghi Lavarini, known as the “Black Baron”, sentenced to two years for apology for fascism.

The meeting with Fidanza and the Milanese Fdi candidates – Through Lavarini, the Fanpage journalist meets Carlo Fidanza, MEP and head of delegation of the Brothers of Italy. Thus a relationship is established that allows the insider to attend the group of Fdi exponents during events and meetings of the electoral campaign for the municipal elections in Milan for which they support the candidacy for the city council of the lawyer Chiara Valcepina. Both ask for funding from the alleged businessman, with whom they are now in confidence: “The methods are: to pay into the dedicated current account. If, on the other hand, you need the opposite and it is more convenient for you to be black, you will pay the bar and with the black then it will cover other expenses “, says Fidanza to the undercover journalist.

Black and washing machines to clean up illicit financing – Javarini, who is deputy to these operations, goes into more detail. The “black baron” explains that he has “a set of washing machines” for campaign funding which he claims to have used several times. During some group meetings, moreover, other things are filmed with the hidden camera: many of the participants do not share, with heavy comments, the choice of the candidate for mayor of the coalition, Luca Bernardo.

Racist comments and the paramilitary security system – In the neo-fascist stereotype, jokes about blacks, Jews, migrants and references to Hitler’s speech at Hitler’s Munich brewery fly, as well as sexist comments. And there is also a moment in which Paolo Berizzi, a journalist under guard because he is threatened by the neo-Nazis, is made fun of. The hidden camera then captures Longhi Javarini, who claims, without mentioning names or circumstances, that he is part of “a transversal group, let’s say esoteric, where there are several Masons. Then there is a whole line of Hitler’s admirers, plus we have our informal information and security service, we have a network of ex-military “. A transversal party organization argues: “We have political contacts within the center-right, not only in the League but also in the Brothers of Italy and even Forza Italia,” he says.

Jonghi Lavarini: “Only jokes, so much ado about nothing” – Roberto Jonghi Lavarini also commented on the investigation, minimizing the incident. “A lot of ado about nothing – said the” Black Baron “-, a lot of smoke and no roast. And he clarified that that investigation “is a clear, provocative and instrumental political attack on the right and the center right, two days before the vote”. Javarini then specified to wait for information from the advocates and friends involved to issue an official statement on the matter.

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