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In Frankfurt’s Bahnhofsviertel: police stop Messer-Mann with shots | Regional

Frankfurt – On Saturday morning shots rang out in Frankfurt’s Bahnhofsviertel. Then a man (27) lay bleeding on the street.

The Somali had previously been traveling with two knives and had attacked a man on Elbestrasse. When the African attacked his victim again, the officers stopped him with several shots.

According to the investigators, the 27-year-old went into a multi-storey building on Elbestrasse at around 11.50 a.m. There he visited a man (65) in his office. He pulled out two knives and attacked the man! The victim was able to defend himself with pepper spray – the attacker ran away and ran in the direction of Niddastraße. The 65-year-old chased him.

Police officers threatened with death

Passers-by alerted a patrol: the police discovered the knife man and asked him to drop his gun. Then the 27-year-old only said: “I kill you” (“I kill you”).

An officer in the station district

Photo: Jürgen Mahnke

Then the gunman saw his victim and ran towards the 65-year-old: He fell and was slightly injured! The 27-year-old then attacked the man with both knives in hand – the officers shot several times and arrested the attacker. The knife man came to a clinic (gunshot wound on the right thigh). There was no mortal danger. He was supposed to go to the judge on Sunday.

The homicide squad is now investigating that the 27-year-old is on trial for attempted manslaughter. Police spokesman Marc Draschl (34): “The background has to be clarified.”

Arrest warrant issued

On Monday it became known that a judge had issued an arrest warrant for attempted manslaughter and threats against the 27-year-old. The knife man is still in the hospital because of his gunshot wounds.

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