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in France, defective Joy-Con will be replaced free of charge (even without warranty)

Nintendo Switch

© Corey Motta / Unsplash.com

Le Monde had the opportunity to interview Philippe Lavoué, Director of Nintendo France, who notably returned to the problems of “drift” which affect a disturbing number of Joy-Con.

This problem, also called “Joy-Con drift”, causes ghostly movements in the game because of a hardware problem located in the analog sticks of the Nintendo Switch controllers. Summoned, last November, by UFC-Que Choisir repair faulty devices for free, Nintendo announces that it will easily comply with these expectations.

Strict instructions

Rather than an announcement, Philippe Lavoué bet more on precision. According to the director of Nintendo France, the company’s French after-sales service already has “specific instructionsAllowing players to see their defective Joy-Con replaced without difficulty. And this, specifies the interested party, “even when the commercial warranty has expired“.

However, reading the opinions of several Internet users faced with this problem, it appears that the definition of “without difficulty” is of variable geometry. If some were able to benefit from a free exchange, others had to pay the sum of € 45 to repair their controller. Others, finally, have simply never received a response from Nintendo.

Precise figures, but a lack of transparency

Still in Le Monde, Philippe Lavoué adds “be aware of recent reports (about Joy-Con drift), but to the knowledge of Nintendo France, the number of cases is extremely low“.

Same observation with regard to the Nintendo Switch Lite which, launched last September, also seems to be a victim of these drift problems. Concerning them, the damage is all the more important as the players must return their entire console to the after-sales service – the joysticks being grafted onto it. However, Philippe Lavoué admits not having received “reporting significant malfunctions on the Switch Lite“.

Finally, the businessman concludes by assuring that Nintendo has “real numbersAbout the Joy-Con drift problem and the number of devices actually affected. Figures that, for now, the company has not deigned to disclose.

Source: The world

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