Home » today » Health » In Francavilla free beauty treatments for cancer patients. Bruno: “A step of civilization”

In Francavilla free beauty treatments for cancer patients. Bruno: “A step of civilization”

Below is a note from Maurizio Bruno, regional councilor, president of the Permanent Civil Protection Committee and president of the municipal council of Francavilla Fontana:

One of the most painful and at the same time most underestimated aspects in the life of a person facing an oncological disease is the impact that treatment and illness often have on the physical appearance.

Regional councilor Bruno

On aesthetics.

They will say that that’s not the problem, that the priority is to make it, that appearance is secondary.

But that’s not the case.

Cancer is also a struggle with one’s mind, with one’s state of mind.

And seeing each other, not liking each other, not recognizing each other, can be truly devastating for many patients.

For this reason I am really proud to be able to announce that the Oncology department of the Francavilla Fontana hospital, thanks to an agreement stipulated by the Brindisi Local Health Authority, will host in its structure a voluntary association that deals with treating blemishes in people undergoing cancer therapy.

These are real beauty treatments, carried out by specialized personnel and with practices based on scientific evidence, to reduce the aesthetic impact that the treatments have on patients.

There will be muscle relaxing and lymphatic drainage massages, soothing face and body treatments, corrective make up seminars.

All at zero cost, obviously, for patients and the healthcare company.

In my professional life I have dealt with thousands of cancer patients for years and I know well what it means to face the disease when it, in addition to undermining one’s life, also distorts one’s identity.

And this is why I have worked to achieve this goal in recent months.

Now many cancer patients at the Francavilla Fontana hospital will have professionals at their side who will help them not to feel less beautiful than before, to face the disease with a little more serenity.

Because this matters too. Everything matters.

Life. And everyday life.

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