Home » today » Business » In February, only 1,107 vehicles were sold, and it was revealed that sales were dismal, and layoffs started. Lantu responded: False news

In February, only 1,107 vehicles were sold, and it was revealed that sales were dismal, and layoffs started. Lantu responded: False news

In February, only 1,107 vehicles were sold, and it was revealed that sales were dismal, and layoffs started. Lantu responded: False news

2023-03-09 14:39:30 Source: Fast Technology Author:pick up seven Edit: pick up seven Comment()Click to copy the title and link of this article

According to the news on March 9, a few days ago, there were rumors that due to the poor sales performance of Lantu Automobile, it has started layoffs, mainly involving outbound calls, sales support and other departments.

According to Interface News,Regarding the rumors of layoffs, Lantu Automobile responded that this is false news.

According to rumors, some employees of Lantu said that 30 people in Lantu’s outbound call department were laid off as a whole. The access control card, Feishu and other permissions are closed, and the computer is also confiscated.

According to the monthly sales report of Lantu Automobile in February this year,A total of 1,107 vehicles were delivered in February, down from 1,548 delivered in January.

Compared with other new energy vehicles, Lantu’s sales volume has always been far behind the current top manufacturers. Lantu Auto will deliver a total of 19,409 new cars in 2022.Only 2,553 vehicles will be delivered in October 2022, the highest in a single month.

It is understood that Lantu models currently cover three categories: SUV, MPV, and sedan. The models on sale include Lantu FREE, Lantu Dreamer and Lantu Chasing Light. Among them, Lantu Chasing Light was unveiled in December last year, with a pre-sale price range of 322,900 to 432,900 yuan.

In February, only 1,107 vehicles were sold, and it was revealed that sales were dismal, and layoffs started. Lantu responded: False news

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Editor in charge: Shiqi

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